Sunday, March 10, 2019

Bethesda construction update: 7900 Wisconsin Avenue (Video+Photos)

JBG Smith's 7900 Wisconsin Avenue project is about 9 stories above street level. The mixed-use residential building will top out at 17 stories when completed. 7900 Wisconsin will include 450 residential units atop 19600 SF of commercial space. About 12000 of that will go to a grocery store anchor, which was identified as Trader Joe's in 2014. The project encountered a major delay shortly after that, reportedly due to difficulty in obtaining financing, and the late realization that ground floor tenant Fitness First held a lease in the old office building on the site until 2019.

In two of the photos below, and even more clearly in the video, you can now get a good view of the pedestrian pass-through under the cantilevered portion of the building. This public plaza and walkway will allow pedestrians to cut through between Woodmont and Wisconsin Avenues, and to access retailers and restaurants in the building's ground floor.


  1. Anonymous6:37 AM

    It's been overcast for the past three days.

    What day did you take these photos?

  2. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Does anyone live in the condo building next door? I'd think the owners would explore a sale of their now outdated and short building.

  3. Anonymous11:56 AM

    6:37am & 7:33am please refrain from commenting here and pick up the councilman's dry cleaning. They close early on sunday.

  4. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Thanks for the hyper-local reporting, but the article is hyper-incorrect. They are currently casting the 12th floor (not the ninth floor) and the finished building will be 18 stories tall (not 17 stories tall).

  5. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Thanks, @ 1:47 PM. I noticed that the sun seemed a little low in the sky for that time of day (within an hour of noon), so I wondered if the photos had been taken several weeks ago.

    @ 11:56 AM - Do you ever have anything intelligent to say, instead of just parrotting several very old responses every time your hero Dyer is criticized?

  6. 1:47: Some of the upper floors must be invisible, as there are only 9 in these photos, including the higher ceiling of the ground floor retail spaces.

    4:30: Your mental illness is obvious to everyone except you. #SelfAwareness

  7. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Dyer @ 2:01: Thanks for confirming that you took these photos several weeks ago.

  8. Anonymous5:39 AM

    At what point will you confirm whether they will have a pizza oven on the roof?

  9. Anonymous6:20 AM

    "They were taken days ago"

    As in 30-60 days ago?

    But, why didn't you just post them the day you took them or the very next day?

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      6:20am you don't strike me as a very pleasant person! You are always too impulsive and angry.

  10. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I don't know when you took these photos, but as of Saturday, I can confirm 100% that 7900 had definitely reached the the 12th floor.

  11. Anonymous10:56 AM

    8:10 AM - I suspect that you don't know what the word "impulsive" actually means.

    And regarding "angry", it's odd that you completely ignore a previous comment that says "Idiot. Punch yourself to save me the exertion."

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      10:56am if someone is obsessing over the time of day a photo was taken or if it was yesterday or 2 days ago...then they probably should punch themselves. Let's be honest.

    2. Anonymous12:09 PM

      It's a lot more than "2 days ago". It is clearly over a month ago. You can't add 3 stories to a building in just one weekend.

  12. 12:09: LOL, you're struggling, man, you're struggling.

    11:29: Well said.

    6:41: Yep, they're averaging about a floor an hour LOL Are you sure those are up to code? Another floor added just as I typed this sentence. And another one. [Insert cuckoo clock sound here] Glad the cartel is providing the criminally-insane with low level internet Astroturf jobs.
