Monday, March 11, 2019

The plot thickens at the Wilson Store in Bethesda

After sitting vacant for over a year, the relocated Wilson Store building suddenly has two suitors. First, owner Montgomery County announced its intent to lease the building to the County Department of Transportation as "office space."

But now EmbroidMe has declared it, too, is moving into the Wilson Store, which is now located at 4538 Middleton Lane on April 1, 2019. Its current 7030 Wisconsin Avenue location will then close.

The Wilson Store, also known as Community Paint & Hardware, is thought to be the last remaining 19th century building in downtown Bethesda. It was moved from its location next to 7272 Wisconsin Avenue to facilitate redevelopment of that property.


  1. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Perhaps office space on the second floor and retail on the ground floor?

  2. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Perfect place for a "spa".

  3. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Oh yes, what a plot twister grab the popcorn.
