Monday, March 11, 2019

Urban Plates opening today at Westfield Montgomery Mall (Photos)

Urban Plates will open its new Bethesda location at Westfield Montgomery Mall today, March 11, 2019. The restaurant, featuring an upscale cafeteria concept, is located in the new Dining Terrace. Here's a sneak peek inside the new restaurant:


  1. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Store Reporte[d] this four days ago.

  2. Anonymous7:32 AM

    shouldnt that be urban pilates? it does look urban....

  3. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Looks pretty good.

  4. Anonymous7:42 AM

    They held a wonderful soft opening for three days, Thursday thru Saturday. What happened did you lose your invite? This would have made for active photos in your show and tell.

  5. Roald7:56 AM

    Looking forward to it!

  6. Rugby8:10 AM

    Every day I wake up and Roald is looking forward to another restaurant opening!

  7. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Soft opening was great. I saw a number of reporters/food bloggers there. Assumed that this blog was among them, but maybe not based on the pictures.

    1. 10:15am I wouldn't know what a single reporter/blogger looked like. Dyer is one of the few who is active on social and actually has a photo.

      How was the free food?

  8. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Unrelated to this article, but Dyer you may want to check this new policy for DLC...

  9. 7:42: I was not invited. I don't know what the nature of the soft opening was, but if it was specifically for bloggers and journalists, that would reflect quite badly on Urban Plates - or their PR firm, more accurately.

    Nada didn't invite me, either, and my coverage of them since has been, well...nada.

    I have no problem with a restaurant or chain opening without inviting media, if it applies to all media. The problem is when they either don't do their homework beyond the glossy magazines and other legacy media (it's 2019, not 1989), or if someone "gets to them" from the cartel and I am intentionally excluded. In those two cases, the business in question is unlikely to get much coverage on my news sites. But I was the bigger man by helping promote their opening yesterday.

    11:00: Yeah, I saw a couple of half-eaten meals on Instagram, but nobody besides me has the photos of the exterior and interior and menus. #scooped

  10. I have an audience of several thousand readers on this site alone, I hear from many that they rely on my reports and dining reviews. So a business thumbing their nose at me can be quite counterproductive. How does not getting exposure to several thousand residents near your business help you?

  11. Anonymous7:02 AM

    The benign dictatorship of The Washingtonian Magazine says, "no free food for you, Dyer!"

    Robert Dyer: "We have a cartel of multiple dictators who are behind the Council, and working in unison. They are in the development and non-profit fields, and in certain of the unions. They are in collusion with local media, most notably the Washington Post and Washingtonian magazine. Together, they control MoCo elections."

  12. 7:02: Thanks for helping to spread the word about the MoCo cartel and their interference in the 2018 election. The more people who know, the sooner we can get these crooks behind bars.

  13. Conviction Bias

    Believing in something so strongly. It must be true.
