Thursday, April 25, 2019

Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition fundraiser tonight at 7 PM

An event to raise funds for the ongoing fight to preserve, restore and memorialize the Moses African Cemetery in Bethesda will be held tonight, Thursday, April 25, 2019 at 7:00 PM at the American Legion Post, located at 8110 Fenton Street in downtown Silver Spring. For a $10 admission fee, attendees will enjoy food, a cash bar, entertainment and speeches.

Noted guests will include master of ceremonies the Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Harvey Matthews, 2018 County Council candidate Brandy Brooks, Luci Murphy, Maceo Kemp & Friends, Alfonso Coles & the Capitol African Drummers, and the "HOC 7," who were recently acquitted of all charges after being arrested during peaceful protests at the Montgomery County Housing Opportunities Commission, which owns the land the cemetery is located on at Westwood Tower.


  1. Roald6:37 AM

    This is an important effort to preserve Bethesda history.

  2. Anonymous7:45 AM

    What will the money raised from the fundraiser be used for? Do they plan to buy the land where they claim the alleged cemetery is located? What purchase price did they settle on?

    Or will they use it to set up a memorial on the church's own property? Just want to know how my money will be spent if I go to the fundraiser.

  3. Boyce Bowles8:01 AM

    I'd love to see a museum on the site. Contributions from fundraising along with a healthy donation from the out of town developer could make this happen.

    Let's be clear- This is a great way to preserve Bethesda history, give back to the community, add an educational/ cultural feature to the project and memorialize the original sin of Westbard.

  4. Boyce Bowles9:11 AM

    8:38 AM Good to see the "original sin of Westbard" is becoming more well known.
    We'll repeat history if we forget the terrible things that occurred. We need the museum.

  5. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Great, let's put a museum on the church's existing property. Have they decided where they'd like to place it? I think doing a small addition to the back of the church would work well.

  6. Woodmont1:19 PM

    12:16 PM
    You should start your own blog just covering local media- the men and women inspired to start blogs like Dyer's.

    The heroic mallwalkers. Inspirational sign men. Grabbing free grub at grand openings. Scraping government sites etc.

    MoCo blogs and the men and women are write them. Excited stuff!

  7. Anonymous1:23 PM

    1:19 PM I suggest "The Write Stuff". We're at peak blog again. Let's celebrate!

  8. With all the sheepshills and their healthy donations, it'll be funded in no time.

    Roald, Woodmont, BoBo, Dyer? How much have "each" of you donated?

    How did it go last night? Anyone got a report?
