Monday, April 15, 2019

New boutique opening at Bethesda Row

A pop-up women's apparel boutique is opening at 7254 Woodmont Avenue at Bethesda Row. This was formerly home to MyEyeDr.


  1. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Federal Realty seems to like having a few pop-up retailers to keep things fresh. I’m sure they would prefer a long term lease, but a small space like this is nice to see filled, at least for now. The big question now will be the other half of Redwood, the other half of Lebanese Tervana, the former fitness equipment store on Arlington, and of course the fate of Kapnos. Once these four spaces get leased, I think Bethesda Row will be (nearly) fully leased.

  2. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Meanwhile construction at the old Taylor Gourmet and NOTHING from Bobbie?

  3. Anonymous10:56 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      10:56am Please just buy an ad on Dyer's site if you want to promote your blog.

      It's understandable you want to reach Dyer's large readership, but don't lie and claim Dyer's scoops.

      There is always a bitter guy with a blog who is resentful of Robert Dyer.

  4. I always think it's strange when someone, anonymously, tries to tell Dyer's readers to go to other sites. Or, falsely, that there is a competition among local bloggers.

  5. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I always think it's strange that the only praise Dyer has ever received has been from (not-so-)anonymous comments on his own blog.

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      12:27pm not true. Dyer has loads of regular readers who love his brand of local reporting.

      And he's not going around posting spammy comments on local

    2. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Another anonymous attaboy.

  6. Anonymous1:22 PM

    1:04 PM Ever think of just creating a blog about local bloggers? The imaginary rivalry you have.

  7. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Funny, the only place where I've seen any rivalry is on this blog. All the other news sites just report the news.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      The rivalry is see is mentioned here in "anonymous" comments. And folks posting ads to their blogs here.

      Dyer doesn't spam or talk about ther sites.

  8. I remember Gifford's2:52 PM

    Anyone who is trolling Dyer is usually just a green eyed monster unsatisfied with their own lot in life they have to rag on others.

  9. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Hail, Hail, The Gang's All Here!

    1. Anonymous4:30 PM

      4:09pm now, let's debate blog templates ( I'm a WordPress man ) and argue who typed up a press release first.

      Dyer certainly changed local media forever.

  10. 10:04: I'm the one who broke the story about Prima, which is currently under construction in the Taylor Gourmet space. Nice try, though.

  11. Anonymous6:49 AM

    "Dyer certainly changed local media forever."

    Funny how you only see comments like this only on Dyer's blogs, and only posted anonymously.

  12. 6:49: I did change Montgomery County media forever. After I pioneered hyperlocal news in the County, we now have a County "press corps" of imitators. Before me, there was no such thing as daily news in the County, and coverage of "openings and closings" was unheard of. Even the Gazette had to start aping me in its final, dying days with articles about stores closing.

    Don't expect to read about me in the few print (Post, Washingtonian) and internet media outlets in the area - all are controlled by the Montgomery County cartel. Blacklisted for exposing what's really going on in Montgomery County, I've had to build a media empire on word-of-mouth support only, which just makes my accomplishments all the more impressive.

  13. It's a feature of the authoritarian demagogue (and of those who speak for him) that he of course claims great accomplishments, but also presents himself, even when in power, as the victim of strong and nefarious forces that are frustrating his efforts on behalf of the people.

  14. 7:13: LOL - Not surprisingly, this argument is usually employed by the "strong and nefarious forces" such as the Deep State and globalists, or just the Montgomery County cartel in this case.

  15. Anonymous8:29 AM

    The Washington Post is "controlled by the MoCo Cartel"? Does this mean that Jeff Bezos is part of the "MoCo Cartel"? If so, then why did he not chose MoCo Cartel County for the site of AMZHQ2?

  16. “People who fail to regard the truth seriously in small matters, cannot be trusted in matters that are great.” — Albert Einstein

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM


      "If you're gonna hate me, hate me in style"

      - Foster the People

  17. There is no deep-state. It's disgusting that you would attack fellow citizens who devote themselves to public service. Many of whom live and work in this very area. As in in...aha...why you get so few votes.

    Turns out, people do not vote for people who scorn and debase them. Go figure.
