Thursday, May 30, 2019

Hinata to take usual summer break until June 12

Many of downtown Bethesda's dwindling number of mom-and-pop businesses close temporarily for an annual vacation. Hinata, the Japanese grocery store and sushi spot at 4947 St. Elmo Avenue, is no exception. They have closed for an early summer break, and will reopen on Wednesday, June 12, 2019.


  1. Anonymous9:56 AM

    The owners travel to Japan every summer to visit family and friends. They've done this for years.

  2. Tom Andrews11:03 AM

    10:27 AM You made that assertion, without evidence. And it's easily to dismiss since I clicked the Hinata tag and last year's photo appears with an entirely different window display.

    Once again, "anonymous" is lying.

  3. They're not the same, but they're close. Easy to make that mistake, especially since the author often reuses photos (think Betrayed). Looks like they were taken from the same spot on the sidewalk. 2014 too.

    If "Tom Andrews" is so concerned about manners and decorum, you'd think he/she would have an issue with Dyer's name-calling ("moron") and bullying ("the many people inside Prima tonight are laughing at him")

    1. Tom Andrews11:46 AM

      11:23am You are bat shit crazy. The stuff you post here multiple times a day.

      Gotta call a spade a spade sometimes.

    2. Tom Andrews7:00 PM

      Really??? Why are you this petty that you are trying to be me?

  4. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Hans's fault right?

  5. Anonymous1:02 PM

    The sushi at Harris Teeter is better than this place. Wonder if Roberto gets a free california roll for announcing the closure?

  6. Anonymous1:28 PM

    @1:02 What are you talking about? I've had both, and Hinata has much better sushi. Notice all the Japanese people shopping at Hinata? There's a reason -- it's authentic.

    Did anyone notice two of Dyer's posts just got mentioned in BB articles this afternoon? Must be a slow news day so they had to get their scoops from Dyer. At least they attributed it to him.

  7. Anonymous2:54 PM

    2:21pm: A press release, press event, public event are all not "scoops".

  8. "Tom,"
    What is so "bat-shit crazy" about my above comment?
    I made an observation and gave examples.

    12:05 PM
