Sunday, May 26, 2019

KONSTUnion opens in Bethesda

Upscale kitchens meet upscale bathrooms at the new KONSTUnion showroom at 7550 Wisconsin Avenue. Union Hardware has just merged with KONST at the latter's existing 7550 Wisconsin address, as their current location is about to be redeveloped as an apartment building. The combined venture does seem to be emphasizing bathrooms over kitchens now.


  1. Baloney Concrete6:56 AM

    I’m sorry but that sink looks like a urinal.

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      It sure does. Although it is higher off the ground than most urinals. This of course opens the door for many off color jokes

  2. Anonymous8:13 AM

    This name sounds too much like "constipation". I expect that local teens armed with spray paint cans will exploit this.

  3. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Hey there Tarnation Bob, I thought that the apartment building is not yet approved in any way, and in fact the county is proposing an extension of Veteran's Park on this site, and it is currently being used as a temporary art studio/gallery.

    Why are you afraid to admit you did not report the real story on this site?

    You just can't stand it when readers (politely) try to correct you.

  4. 9:49: Hey there, troll. Alas, we all remember the media blitz that accompanied the announcement of that apartment building, and the owner of Union Hardware declaring there was no place in downtown Bethesda anymore for short buildings like his, and that the new apartment building was the best for the future.

    Every development has an approval process, unless it is a by-right project, which this is not. It usually takes about two years. The County can't afford to buy the land here, and the other part of the block is already committed to its own project, which means one massive project that can afford to give them a park use won't happen.

    Why are you afraid to admit you have just made a fool of yourself?

  5. Woodmont2:42 PM

    The Union Hardware owner is the guy who rides around on a motorized toilet car, right?

    Not exactly a stable genius.
