Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Sisters: The Village Cafe targeting June opening at Cabin John Shopping Center

Sisters: The Village Cafe is now only weeks away from opening at the Cabin John Shopping Center at 11325 Seven Locks Road in Potomac. The Thai restaurant's manager says they are aiming for an opening in the second week of June.
You can see the outdoor patio is ready to go. Inside is a dessert bar serving Magnolia bakery items, with a retro movie theater marquee. Sisters is right next to Shake Shack, and is from the owners of the Sisters restaurants in Fairfax County.


  1. Anonymous5:33 AM

    There goes the remaining parking spots.

  2. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Store Reporte(d) this on April 25.

  3. 5:34: No, they didn't - in fact, they reported the wrong date, Einstein. This is breaking news.


    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      A restaurant opening isn’t breaking news ‘Einstein’. Nobody outside side of Rockville or Bethesda cares. You fancy yourself so hot shot reporter when in fact you run a tiny blog with no sponsors. Is it interesting once and a while? Sure but hard important news? No.

  4. Anonymous5:13 PM

    No censorship.

  5. hey didn't report a "date," the gave a range.

    You don't have an actual opening date either. "aiming for an opening in the second week of June."

    When that's announced, we'll see who scoops it.

    6:34 AM 5/29/19
    "Sisters: The Village Cafe targeting June opening at Cabin John Shopping Center"

  6. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Dyer beat the creepy mallwalker blogs with the scoop.

  7. 6:10: Wrong again - I am actually the ONLY "hot shot hard important news" reporter in Montgomery County, and the record speaks for itself. I'm the only journalist to investigate and expose illegal activity by Montgomery County elected officials and Montgomery County government.

    The Washington Post, Gazette, Sentinel, et al have NEVER published such reports implicating County officials for illegal activity.

    I also broke major news stories like the Capital Crescent Trail rape and Butler Road underground fuel spill.

    My pedestrian safety reports resulted in a new County sidewalk law being passed (despite it not being enforced by our corrupt Council).

    You just made a complete jackass out of yourself. Again.

  8. This is the place to come for fake news, conspiracy theory and bombastic claims

  9. It's a feature of the authoritarian demagogue (and of those who speak for him) that he of course claims great accomplishments, but also presents himself, even when in power, as the victim of strong and nefarious forces that are frustrating his efforts on behalf of the people.

  10. 5:50: Roger Berliner said my coverage of the sidewalk issues was "a public service." Are you calling him a demagogue? My accomplishments are all verifiable.

    5:48: There has never been a single "fake news" story published on this website. You could be sued for defamation [which is why you can never publicly identify yourself, because you would immediately be sued, and prosecuted for harassment, stalking and cyberbullying (thanks to Lefty Larry's new cyberbullying law)].

  11. I publicly identify myself with every comment. This is my name. I'm sorry if that bothers you.

  12. Anonymous5:45 AM

    "Roger Berliner said my coverage of the sidewalk issues was "a public service." Are you calling him a demagogue?"

    I'm not 5:50, but the word I would use is "diplomat". He's used to dealing with random crazy people who live in our County.

  13. 5:45: Anyone who's worked with the County Council is indeed used to dealing with random crazy people who live in our County, so I'd have to agree with you on that point.

    But in my case, he ended up sponsoring a bill that passed into law based on my news reporting. One does not write legislation based on the writing of "random crazy people."

  14. Anna - "This is the place to come for fake news, conspiracy theory and bombastic claims" -

    Robert Dyer - "There has never been a single "fake news" story published on this website. You could be sued for defamation [which is why you can never publicly identify yourself, because you would immediately be sued, and prosecuted for harassment, stalking and cyberbullying (thanks to Lefty Larry's new cyberbullying law)]."

    Anna - "I publicly identify myself with every comment. This is my name. I'm sorry if that bothers you." -

    Anna - "You mean Grace's Law. Named for Grace McComas.
    Her mother, Christine McComas said, 'If you take her name; G-R-A-C-E, it could stand for Give Respect And Compassion to Everyone.'” -

    Anna - "There is no cartel. In reality, those people are duly elected officials trying to do their best for the people of the county. Can they make everyone happy? Of course not, no one can.
    Remember, these people are citizens of Montgomery County just like you. They have a vested interest, like you.

    so when you go off with the cartel BS. accusing them of being criminals about to be arrested...yeah...I'm going to call that fake news.

    and when you start with the claim that the WashPo has a rule that they are not allowed to mention your name in their publication...yeah...i'm going to call that conspiracy theory.

    and when you start with the voting results of the cemetery precincts and massive voter fraud...yeah...I'm going to call that bombastic claims.

    I come here, post my opinions and post actual facts. you single me out and level untrue accusations, insult my business ability, and warn people to stay away from my business.

    As I've said from the 1st day you attacked me. Fine. Take me to court. Discovery willl find that I've been upfront and honest and most importantly, that I've had my name on every post since I started using my real name.

    You have conflated me with someone else and have taken all the vitriol you feel towards him/her and used it against me." Anna

    Robert Dyer - ::delete, delete, delete:: Must hide the truth -
