Friday, June 28, 2019

After banning circus animals, MoCo gets one-man circus

The Montgomery County Council is infamously known for debating at length, and then approving, a ban on circus animals - at the same time as once-major County employer Discovery Communications was being wooed to relocate by other jurisdictions. Sadness ensued for all, as Montgomery County wound up losing both circuses and the Discovery Channel headquarters. But, now through Sunday, July 7 at Strathmore, it's David Dimitri to the rescue! The son of legendary clown Jakob Dimitri is bringing a one-man circus to Montgomery County, L'homme Cirque.

Dimitri will fire himself out of a cannon as a human cannonball. He will walk the high wire. Strathmore promises he will balance these and other daring feats with "humor, poetry and an accordion serenade." At the climax of the performance, Dimitri will open the top of the tent, and the audience will witness him disappear "into the sky" on the high wire.

The one-man circus is one contingency the anti-circus County Council apparently did not anticipate, and thereby is legal. Teeth are assuredly gnashing at 100 Maryland Avenue, but the show must! go! on! True to the Montgomery Way, though, Dimitri was required to get a permit from the County to erect his tent on the Strathmore property. Big Government for the Big Tent!

You can buy tickets online, and watch a trailer for Dimitri's L'homme Cirque:


  1. Anonymous5:21 AM

    No, they're infamous for banning everything that people want and not banning what people don't want.

  2. People worked really hard on the circus animal ban, and celebrated it's passing.

    I find it appalling that you're so quick to insult people's hard work in getting something passed that they worked hard on and were proud of.

    You're saying that only the bills that YOU think are of the highest importance should be discussed, voted on? Pathetic.

  3. 5:40: Some people did, but most people found this a frivolous issue when prioritized over a failing transportation system, declining schools, surging rates of rape and gang violence, and the worst economic development numbers of any jurisdiction in the region.

    More people would agree with me than not on that assessment, I'm very confident.

    1. Anonymous6:03 AM

      Cite your sources

  4. Once again, your inability to understand multi-tasking is your undoing.

    5:41 AM

  5. It passed 9-0. and that doesn't sound too frivolous to me.

    This was the National Headline :GREAT NEWS! Montgomery County, MD passed a landmark law prohibiting the exhibition of performance animals.

    The bill was well received during its public hearing Tuesday with almost all testifying in support saying it would be a strong stance against animal cruelty.

    “There really shouldn’t be any debate about this legislation because the fact of the matter is that abusing and exploiting wild animals for our own amusement really does not belong in our County – it belongs in the history books,” said Silver Spring resident Paul Shapiro who testified in favor of the bill. Council member Craig Rice (D-2) introduced the bill, saying he was prompted to do so after the closing of Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey Circus, which had its final show in May.

  6. 5:59: LOL, so did the record-high property tax increase pass 9-0. Considered one of the dumbest political moves in County history. Look at the unanimous votes to appoint/reappoint two developer tools to the Planning Board.

    9 Berzerkley California fellow travelers agreeing on the Communist Party platform is hardly a useful yard stick for evaluation of an issue.

  7. 5:52: It's only multitasking if you're actually doing it. The Council didn't engage with Discovery during that critical time. Knoxville did. End of story.

  8. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Luckily, we still have the opportunity to watch amazing circus like performances here and on the Robert Dyer channel.

    You really think that live animal performances were not a form of animal cruelty, and were appropriate entertainment?

  9. Thanks, 10:51AM.

  10. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Dear Anna,

    Thank you for your seven comments on this one story. A good use of your valuable time.

    But is there a cartel?

  11. Anonymous6:17 AM

    C’mon Anna. Eleven comments to date on this one story. You can do better than that.

  12. 6:03: Just ask random people on the streets if they think preventing rape or attracting high-wage jobs to the County or fixing traffic gridlock are more important than banning circus animals.

    You need to get outside of that dark room anyway for some fresh air - it'll do you some good.

  13. So we have an impasse... can continue to support white supremacist groups and...I'll continue to support animal right groups, where we believe in rights for animals of all colors, even among the human variety.

  14. 7:46: Another colossal Freudian slip by troll "Anna" - you forgot that you made your false accusation of "supporting white supremacist groups" under a different persona. Looks like spending 11 out of the last 14 days hitting the refresh button on my website every 30-60 seconds is really doing a number on your ability to function. Take a break for your health's sake.

  15. One day, when we're at the same event, I'll extend my hand and introduce myself.
    Of course, then your lying about me will have to end.

  16. Anonymous7:53 PM

    See the show

  17. I only post under my name. We've been over this.

    No need to use quotes "Robert," Anna is my name. You choosing not to believe the truth is your karma. Me telling the truth is mine.

    But go ahead and continue to embarrass yourself in public with your lies and misogyny and we'll continue rolling our eyes, shaking our head and tsk-tsking at your pitiable ways.

    7:37 PM

  18. Sounds like you were the one hitting the refresh button every 30-60 seconds. Must delete the truth

    Aw. You missed me while I was gone.

    7:41 PM

  19. Dear Anonymous person,

    You are most welcome.

    But, there are eight (8) comments of mine before yours @ 3:38.
    Remedial arithmetic might be a good use of your valuable time.

    I hope your weekend is as delightful as you are!

    Repetition makes things seem more plausible, but does not change something from false to true.

    4:03 PM

  20. Anonymous7:48 AM

    It's funny how Robin Ficker's Term Limits Initiative actually made the MoCo Cartel stronger than it was before.

    Maybe Ficker is actually a secret agent of the MoCo Cartel, along with Federal Realty.

  21. Anonymous8:14 AM

    It's weird that none of the shop and restaurant closures on Bethesda Row are ever the fault of Federal Realty, charter member of the MoCo Cartel.
