Saturday, June 15, 2019

Chevy Chase Acura to open showroom at Westfield Montgomery Mall

Chevy Chase Acura has displayed some of its latest models in the atrium areas of Westfield Montgomery Mall for a number of years. Now the downtown Bethesda dealership is moving into an actual storefront at the mall, creating an additional interaction point with potential buyers besides their 7725 Wisconsin Avenue location.

They will be opening a Tesla-style mall showroom in the space previously occupied by the Kia Stinger pop-up, yet another mall auto showroom. Other Acuras are parked in lots near the mall, as many dealerships in Montgomery County try to find places to store inventory as they are squeezed by redevelopment.


  1. Anonymous7:08 AM

    So how does this proves once again that Montgomery County is moribund? I'm sure it does, but I don't have your super stable genius like really smart elite high school brain to figure it out.

  2. 7:08: There are car dealerships in every jurisdiction from coast-to-coast; they are certainly not a barometer for economic development. Acura is not Rolls Royce-price tier, either, which is the level of wealth that is rapidly fleeing the county, not middle-class people leasing Acuras.

    Montgomery County ranks at rock bottom for economic development in the region, based on federal BLS statistics, so clearly the number of auto dealerships has no connection to overall strength of the County's economy, which is moribund.

  3. HUH??? Nonsense.

    1) "s many dealerships in Montgomery County try to find places to store inventory as they are squeezed by redevelopment."

    2)" so clearly the number of auto dealerships has no connection to overall strength of the County's economy, which is moribund."

    So...all the development makes it moribund?

  4. 9:07: Yes, it does, because residential development generates more costs than revenue for the County government. Hence, that's why - along with the flight of the ultra-rich to lower-tax jurisdictions in the region - Montgomery County's revenue is dropping despite record-high tax rates.

    Because the Council has intentionally favored residential development over growing our business sector and attracting major corporate HQs, we have ceded all of that additional tax revenue to Northern Virginia (primarily) and the District.

    We also are losing massive tax revenue via lost liquor sales as a result of the County's government liquor monopoly. All that money is instead going to Virginia and D.C.

    Unfortunately, the Council does not understand how business works, and are apparently incapable of understanding the basic economic realities I just outlined above.

  5. Well, that's certainly your opinion.

    And that's what it is. Your opinion. Nothing more. Some might share it or part of it, some might not.

    You remind me of those that come into the job right out of school and find there's more to it than what you learned in the books. To say the Council doesn't know how business works is a lie.

    So...let me ask you. IF, and that's a big if, IF you had won and were a part of the council, one vote wouldn't change decisions. Would you still be clamoring it was a criminal cartel and you need to be in an orange jumpsuit?

  6. 9:26: LOL - Facts are not opinions. It's a fact that the County has been in the red every single fiscal year, not only for many years past, but as far out as the projections go. Fact. Not opinion.

    Revenue is declining. Fact, not opinion.

    Montgomery County at rock bottom in economic development in the region by every relevant federal statistical measure. Fact, not opinion.

    If the Council knew how business works, we wouldn't be getting crushed by Northern Virginia! Fairfax had a net gain of 3000 new business enterprises this decade. Montgomery County had 6. Six!

    Fact, not opinion.

    One voice on the Council could ask the questions, and investigate the scandals, that the current criminal members will not.

  7. Nope. It's.Your.Opinion. Nothing more.

    You take a fact, wrap it up in your opinion. When questioned, you refer to the fact alone.

    It's obvious. I've been watching you do it for years. We used to take bets on it at the office.

    BUT, by wrapping it in opinion you dilute the truth.

  8. "One voice on the Council could ask the questions, and investigate the scandals, that the current criminal members will not."

    OMG! I could not have asked for a better example of my statement above:
    "You remind me of those that come into the job right out of school and find there's more to it than what you learned in the books."

  9. Anonymous10:12 AM

    9:41: Dyer just listed several factual statements anyone can independently verify with actual federal and county govt data. You covering your ears and screaming like a child doesn't change the facts he posted one bit.

  10. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Saith Dyer: "One voice on the Council could ask the questions, and investigate the scandals, that the current criminal members will not."

    From the Minutes of the Montgomery Council:

    "Mr. Dyer's motion died for lack of a second."

    Seriously, Dyer...if you had been elected instead of Riemer, I would love to see you trying to build a coalition with the other 8 Council members - Albornoz, Friedson, Glass, Hucker, Jawando, Katz, Navarro and Rice, to try to pass your insane schemes.

  11. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Searching for that Washington Post article, I found this gem from two years ago:

    "Who's 'Asher?' Could it be Bob Asher, the former Washington Post editorial page member who criminally conspired to lie about Marilyn Goldwater's health, so I would not be elected in 2006? Thanks for reminding me about Bob Asher, so gutless he had to hang up on me when I called after he invented #FakeNews in 2006."

  12. 6:12: What makes you think I would somehow be embarrassed by that? Bob Asher indeed criminally conspired to cover-up the Goldwater scheme. He was gutless and couldn't speak to me like a man when called on the carpet for lying with a false editorial.

    11:43: All of my "insane schemes" are favored by many civic and business groups in Montgomery County and the region. New Potomac River crossing, M-83, express lanes, a more business-friendly environment. Only an insane person like you finds those ideas "insane."

  13. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Where are the new-car storage areas that have been "squeezed by residential development"?

  14. More hyperbole:
    "You covering your ears and screaming like a child" - posted 10:12AM by ? well, we don't know who.
    Why say that to a completely calm female?

    I see what you're doing- "Scapegoat all who question, demonize all who doubt, terrorize all who think"

    Sheesh..So, if Dyer wants to include his opinions and declare it as fact, then we shouldn't sit happily by.

    10:42 AM 6/15/19

    once again, you keep the false allegation against me and delete not just MY defense of myself, but all the other comments defending me.

    Wait! What's that whooshing sound? Ahhh...His integrity soaring and deflating like a stuck balloon.

    6:27 AM

  15. 9:05: How much do they pay you to do this even on weekends? You've refreshed this site every 30-60 seconds (literally) every day since Wednesday, and reposted deleted defamatory troll comments each time. You must have wrist splints by now. Seriously, how much do you get per hour?

  16. I'm still just me, a semi-retired accountant, who calls you out on your hyperbole and "alternative facts."

    You spend way too much time trying to figure out these elaborate scenarios, when an Occam's razor solution is best.

  17. Lately, I've been doing a bunch of writing, so I've been in close proximity to a desktop, and and click back on open tabs from time to time. As any writer knows, you battle distraction.

  18. Every 30-60 seconds every day? Hahahahahahahahaha. That's simply not true. Again, you don't know what "literally" means.

    So why don't you delete the defamatory troll comments against me?
    Why do you make unsolicited defamatory comments about others?
    Why do you always single me out?

  19. You're the only person refreshing, trolling and spamming every 30-60 seconds.

    How much are they paying you?

  20. Not me, sorry. If someone's doing that, then you have more investigating to do, because it's not me. Unless I'm in a "conversation" I prefer to close/re-open in Blogger.

    Once again, you seem to be having trouble believing the truth.

  21. 9:44: You're in full psychosis - though I probably would be too, if I had spent the last 5 days like you, hunched over a computer refreshing my site every 30-60 seconds.

    You have a blogger "Anna" account - you're the only person who can repost your deleted troll comments under that account.

    #Oops #busted #CanWeTalkToWrolEvansNow?

  22. What are you talking about? I never denied re-posting my comments, I denied "refreshing my site every 30-60 seconds." Reading comprehension....brush up on that, k?

    Sigh...You're back to insinuating I'm not telling the truth about who I am.

    You're twisting yourself into a pretzel over this for no reason. It's puzzling.

    Those questions again:

    So why don't you delete the defamatory troll comments against me?
    Why do you make unsolicited defamatory comments about others?
    Why do you always single me out?

  23. 5:28: You yourself above clearly stated, when it was pointed out you have been reloading and reposting every 30-60 seconds since last Wednesday,"Not me, sorry. If someone's doing that, then you have more investigating to do, because it's not me."

    No one else but you can post under your account.

    You ARE the defamatory troll, there may be one or two others at most.

  24. I was replying to you comment:
    "You're the only person refreshing, trolling and spamming every 30-60 seconds."

    I'm not doing that.
    I call you out for your exaggerations, distractions and flat out lies.

    So it's okay for you to spew nasty lies about others, take pot shots, insult and bully others for having a differing opinion...but you are untouchable? Never wrong? Never 8nsert your opinion and call it fact?

  25. Oh look, you ran out of false accusations so you'll just slink away and avoid any of those pesky questions about why you've spent 2 years singling me out, letting others disparage me, intent on making me out to be something I'm not.

    All because a few years ago I disagreed with you. I committed the horrible offense of correcting your numbers. From that day forward you've had your arrows turned on me.

    That, sir, is a fact. And I have the impeccable records that prove it. As any other accountant out there will agree, impeccable backup is the key.
