Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Chevy Chase Design Center establishes "temporary resolution center" in Bethesda

Chevy Chase Design Center, the latest business to exit along Montgomery County's once-touted "Rodeo Drive" in Friendship Heights, is opening a "temporary resolution center" at the former Pi Pizzeria space at 7137 Wisconsin Avenue in downtown Bethesda. They say they are now clearing out of their Chevy Chase location, and that sold merchandise that hasn't been picked up will be temporarily available here for pickup.

A limited amount of remaining unsold inventory will also be available at the resolution center. All other unclaimed items and merchandise will be put into "storage." The flight of the ultra-rich to lower-tax jurisdictions in the region has turned the former retail mecca of Montgomery's elite into a moribund strip of vacant storefronts, aging apartments and smashed-out bus shelters. There simply isn't the wealth base to support high-end brands anymore in Montgomery County.


  1. Anonymous7:29 AM


    Yes, Somerset House routinely sets the record for most expensive condo sales in the entire DC area. Why would someone pay $8 million to live in a condo on a "moribund strip"?

  2. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Did you ask them why they closed?

  3. Anonymous9:18 AM

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    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      9:18am how do you know where Dyer lives or how old his house is?

      And what does that have to do with the aging Highland House?

  4. Anonymous10:13 AM

    The address of Robert Dyer's "campaign headquarters" has been public information through the last four elections, starting in 2006. And additional pertinent, public information can be found through a quick trip to Zillow.com.

    And why are you eager to proclaim Highland House "aging"?

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      10:13am and you're looking up information on Dyer's residence for what purpose?

  5. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Who is 9:52/10:44 and why is he stalking Dyer's Faithful Readers?

  6. Woodmont3:49 PM

    Same creepy guy with his "I know where you live" threat.

  7. Everybody knows where Dyer lives. He lives in Westbard, haven't you been reading this blog? Westbard, Westbard, Westbard. Shades of Jan Brady. Sheesh!

    We know where a lot of former candidates live. What's the issue?

    6:06 AM
