Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Fresh parking lots paved on Rugby Avenue

A parking lot adjacent to the new Brightview Bethesda, and another at 4849 Rugby Avenue, have been freshly paved. Surface lots are becoming more scarce these days downtown. Drivers love the smell of fresh asphalt in the morning.


  1. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Next article:

    "Grass grows in Caroline Freeland Park"

  2. Roald7:18 AM

    I love whats going on in the northern tip of town.
    Gallery II, Brightview, etc. are bringing it to life.

  3. Anonymous7:50 AM

    @7:18 Yeah I think this may be the big growth area coming up for downtown Bethesda. If I was a real estate investor, I'd look at buying rental properties around there. The rest is already all built up and has a price premium.

  4. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Aww come in 8:42 what can be more thrilling than snorting in the aroma of fresh asphalt? Holy Smokes!

  5. Woodmont1:02 PM

    Great hyperlocal news...and good to see the interns posting links to their blog posts :)
    If only they were paid by the click.

  6. Anonymous1:19 PM

    1:10 PM
    Daily reminder: there is no accreditation, license, boards or secret badges required to be a journalist.

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      1:19 - Maybe, but no reputable news agency will hire you.

  7. Anonymous1:27 PM

    1:23 PM Life long resident providing the only blog focused on daily coverage of Bethesda :)
    One in a million.

  8. Anonymous1:28 PM

    1:28 PM

    "F*** ton o'mayo"

  9. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Wonder if Dyer will replace fellow MoCo resident Brian (LOOK AT ME... I WANT ATTENTION!!!) Karem as the Playboy WH correspondent?

  10. Anonymous3:49 PM

    I heard the Dean & DeLuca in Georgetown is closing on August 1, but oddly, they not cite the primary reason is that the Apex building does not have a mega-plexus cinema. Too bad they never opened in Bethesda. We could have gotten a really great “Going out of Business” sale on fancy mustard, as the rich and famous flee MoCo, and apparently Georgetown as well.

  11. Anonymous5:13 PM

    3:49 - You heard correctly. They are closing 31 of their 37 stores nationwide, including several in their hometown of New York City.

    Hans Riemer's evil influence has spread far beyond our County's borders.

  12. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Let's never forget the girl who requested a hamburger with a "fuck ton of mayo".

    Local Edward R. Murrow award winning piece?
