Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Matchbox Bethesda Row update

Construction continues inside the future Matchbox restaurant at Bethesda Row, which is taking over the vacant American Tap Room space.  Matchbox told me earlier this summer they hope to open in August. They now have a liquor license hearing scheduled for August 1.


  1. Anonymous6:32 AM

    No way that's opening in 45 days or less.

    You've been snookered.

  2. 6:32: You make it sound like I'm an investing partner in the restaurant. It doesn't make any difference to me when it opens. But that's the current timeline they gave, until I hear otherwise.

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Do you and your friends ever go to any of these restaurants? You should expand your reviews to include sit down establishments along with Burger King, Taco Bell and such. You would expand your viewership.

      Maybe agree to have ads on your blogs in exchange for comped meals. You should seek out ways to generate revenue.

  3. Anonymous8:18 AM

    August...of 2020?! I'll take the 'over' on that one!

  4. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I’m not so sure it will take that long. I don’t believe they are modifying the kitchen as it is the same owner. Maybe adding pizza ovens to the kitchen, but the bulk of the food prep area is already there. Just an aesthetic upgrade to the dining areas and exterior facade and sign work shouldn’t take that long.

  5. 9:12AM - Good point.

  6. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Hope BTB wore a helmet in this construction zone or should I call OSHA and make a report?

  7. Anonymous11:46 AM

    11:27 AM needs a helmet to walk down the street

  8. Looking forward to Brunch!

  9. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I ate your pizza and I want you to know that. #WINNING

  10. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Great! Rockville location will now be empty and you can park right outside for free. They'll do well in Bethesda but no thanks.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      4:35pm is waiting for his free pizza
