Saturday, August 10, 2019

First major concrete pours to begin Monday at Marriott construction site

A crane is expected to remove the heavy excavation equipment from the construction site of the future Marriott International headquarters today, which is relocating from further north in Bethesda to 7750 Wisconsin Avenue in downtown Bethesda. Excavation is now complete. The first major concrete pours will begin at 5:00 AM on Monday and Tuesday, Marriott's development team says. Pedestrians and drivers should be aware that these pours will bring a large number of cement trucks to and from the site.


  1. Anonymous7:22 AM

    "The future Marriott International headquarters, which is relocating from further north in Bethesda"

    Robbie, thank you for your restraint in not reflexively posting "rearranging deck chairs in Moribund MoCo" like you usually do.

  2. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Can commenters show some restraint when Robert does? If Robert doesn't make a dumbass claim in his post then ppl should try and not be dumbasses in the comments, too. Maybe this can become a semi-normal blog at some point in the future.
