Wednesday, September 25, 2019

CultureFest underway at Montgomery Mall in Bethesda

CultureFest, an exhibit that "celebrates the rich diversity of our past" with a tour of European destinations, is now underway in the Nordstrom wing at Westfield Montgomery Mall in Bethesda. A series of displays and events will offer activities, demonstrations, and Instagrammable selfie backdrops through October 13, 2019. Countries featured include Britain, France, Germany and Russia.
Every Friday and Sunday, David's Tea will host British Tea Time. L'Occitane will provide mini-facials and hand massages from the south of France. Try a free flatbread from California Pizza Kitchen. RSVP for a free Core and Cardio Conditioning Class on Sunday, September 29 at 9:30 AM, featuring international music.


  1. Anonymous7:20 AM

    "Countries featured include Britain, France, Germany and Russia."

    Wow, that's "diverse". The four empires that dominated the world in the 19th and 20th centuries, and killed and enslaved millions.

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Non White Christian cultures will not Replace Robert Dyer

  2. Woodmont7:27 AM

    Great report.

    Also, great news this morning on progress at Top Golf Germantown via Sam Eig:

    Will be an incredible addition to MoCo.

    1. Anonymous7:59 AM

      Yea sure you are. I’m sure Robert will spend many hours there. LOL

  3. Anonymous8:36 AM

    @7:20: Back in the 19th Century, those diverse European cultures were sharing their diverse culture with other diverse cultures around the world. Something wrong with that? Isn't diversity great?

  4. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Some diversity, no Swedish,Nordic, or Spanish, representation. Westfield So White!

  5. Boyce Bowles12:11 PM

    @ 7:27 AM -

    Let's be clear.

    If Mr. Eig wants to pimp is blog here, then he can email Robert Dyer about posting a paid ad here.

  6. Captain MoCo1:06 PM

    12:11 PM I don't like your tone about Sam Eig.

  7. Anonymous2:58 PM

    that is some serious mother f'ing culture up in the mall

  8. 7:20AM

    I wondered who was going to "go there." Last year, the launch year of this CultureFest at the mall, the countries represented were: China, India, Korea, Ethiopia, El Salvador.
