Monday, September 30, 2019

Potomac construction update: Playa Bowls (Photos)

Slowly but surely, work continues inside the future Playa Bowls at the Cabin John Village shopping center in Potomac. The healthy superfood restaurant comes to us from New Jersey, at the Jersey Shore. Here are some on-location photos of the progress inside the brightly-colored interior.


  1. Anonymous1:22 PM

    How about a photo showing where it is? What is it replacing, or what's near it?
    If it had been in the CJ Mall, that would've been kiss of death. The shopping center with Giant gets a lot of foot traffic.

  2. Roald5:40 PM

    Looking forward to my first bowl!

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Bowl of what? Hash? Pot?

  3. Anonymous6:29 PM

    @ 1:22 PM - It's on the southeast end of the shopping center, between CalTort and Dunkin Donuts. Looks like the site has been vacant for some time.

    (To Dyer: You're welcome.)
