Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Yogiberry Bethesda Row opening delayed until September 20

The official grand re-opening of Yogiberry at Bethesda Row had been scheduled for September 15, 2019, but has been postponed until September 20. Yogiberry is re-opening under new ownership after a brief closure at 4924 Elm Street. They are also still hiring.


  1. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Soft closing

  2. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Hopefully this time they realize people would like other non-dairy alternatives other than crappy sorbet. How about some delicious non-dairy frozen yogurt? With the continued push for healthy fast-casual places in and around Bethesda it would be quite refreshing to see something like this added to their menu for people who are wanting a healthier cholesterol-free option.
