Friday, September 06, 2019

Yogiberry Bethesda Row reopening date set by new ownership

A construction team was working furiously inside the temporarily-shuttered Yogiberry at 4924 Elm Street last night. The Bethesda Row frozen yogurt shop closed a couple of weeks ago, but a new owner has come in to reopen it. I've just been informed that the reopening date has been set for September 15, 2019. As you can see in the photo, they've kept the store's trademark ceiling light fixtures.


  1. Anonymous6:15 AM

    I can sleep better now.

  2. Captain MoCo6:44 AM

    A yogurt shop all of MoCo can be proud of.

  3. Anonymous6:52 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Captain MoCo6:58 AM

      Elsewhere: over a week late and a dollar short I'm afraid!

      Read Dyer if you're a proud MoCo resident and want to know first

  4. Anonymous2:30 PM

    They should have reopened after winter. Will be pretty slow until April. Then they have Jeni's to deal with. Probably should not have reopened even though it is already built out

  5. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Bethesda needs a good frozen yogurt shop. The ice cream stores are few, dirty and have lousy ice cream.

    1. Anonymous7:21 AM

      How many ice cream shops/frozen desserts does Bethesda need? The market demand dictates this. Who has lousy ice cream? What do you consider good ice cream? With the high rents, high cost to operate, and the consumers unwillingness to absorb these cost, you won't see many small businesses making it

  6. Anonymous8:27 PM

    @ 7:57 PM - You poor thing. Obviously you have never been to Dolcezza, which is thriving in spite of the loss of 20,000 customers per weekend following the MoCo Cartel's closure of the Regal Cinema.

    1. Anonymous9:31 AM

      Loss of 20,000
