Thursday, October 17, 2019

Francesca's closing at Pike & Rose

Women's apparel boutique Francesca's is closing at Pike & Rose. The Texas-based fashion chain announced earlier this year that it would be closing twenty to thirty of its more than 700 stores nationwide. They are now hosting a closing sale at this store, which is located at 11811 Grand Park Avenue.
The good news for loyal Francesca's customers is that their Bethesda Row and Montgomery Mall locations are not currently scheduled to close. The even better news is that you can save 50% on your entire purchase at the Pike & Rose closing sale.


  1. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Have you ever shopped there?

  2. 5:19: They don't sell men's clothes, Saul.

    1. Anonymous5:30 AM

      I didn’t mean for you silly. I meant for your wife or girlfriend.

      Who the hell is ‘Saul’ sounds Jewish.
      Sol will not replace you.

  3. 5:30: The question was clearly trolling, again earning you the Saul Alinsky moniker.

    "If every letter must receive a response, send 30,000 letters."

    - Saul Alinsky

  4. Anonymous6:27 AM

    It a nice little shop, fun things, friendly people, and I never leave without buying something. Although, I've never been to the P&R location. 50% off is a good reason to go.

    So far you've deleted this 4 times.

  5. 5:50: Folks, we're watching a crazy person melt down in real time here - 30 troll comments posted (and deleted now) on this article alone in one hour. Self awareness is so low, they don't realize they are using the same voice as always. Let me know when "Wrol Evans" has the light.

  6. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Actually I posted 5 comments. I'll be happy to repost them for everyone to see. If not me then Suburban Restoration Service will.

    The one about the shop I had to post 5 times because you keep deleting it, even tho it's said the same thing each time.

    I don;t know what Wrol Evans is, but they figure prominently in your accusations. someone from your childhood? A spurned lover?

  7. 6:37: Considering "Wrol Evans" is another fake persona you've posted under in the past, it's really up to you to tell us what the name means to you.

    Just as you've also used the "restoration service" phrase before, you somehow believe you are fooling people that you are not just the same old troll, facing federal prison for your ongoing harassment, threats, stalking and cyberbullying.
