Friday, October 18, 2019

Road resurfacing continues in the Woodmont Triangle

Road resurfacing work is expanding in the Woodmont Triangle neighborhood of Bethesda. Milling and resurfacing are now underway on part of Norfolk Avenue, and on Del Ray Avenue. Watch for bagged parking meters during this time.


  1. I hope you go back and show us the "before" and "after" pics

  2. Anonymous7:54 PM

    So does this mean less whining about "our Third-World road system"?

  3. The timing of road resurfacing projects always amazes me. They tend to begin in the fall, rather than the spring, which you would think shortens the life-span of the project due to the ensuing winter weather effects. Thus, you have created a vicious cycle of pave, crumble, repave.

  4. Anonymous6:25 AM

    SocialNorm - the repaved roadway will feel the same "winter weather effects" regardless of whether the work is done two months out or six months out.
