Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Taylor Gourmet opening at Pike & Rose today at 11 AM

Taylor Gourmet returns to Montgomery County today. Their shuttered Pike & Rose location at 926 Rose Avenue will reopen this morning at 11:00 AM. The reincarnated hoagie chain says the first 25 people in the door will get a free T-shirt. Not bad!


  1. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Shouldn't the headline be "RE-opening"?

  2. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Crotchety old man deleted post calling him a crotchety old man.
    Has goon attack original poster.
    The world of Robert Dyer.

  3. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Always seems to me to be a tremendous amount of construction & development going on in MoCo's "moribund" economy. A big stink is always made about how everything's closing down, but it seems like a lot of stuff continues to go up, open-up & reopen. We may live in parallel universes, but seems to me like downtown Bethesda (for example) is far from a "ghosttown".

  4. 8:12: Do you go out after 10:00 PM? You may be shocked at how dark and empty the streets are these days. I already did an expose at the height of summer showing the empty plaza at Bethesda Row that once was crowded just a few years back.

    We may live in parallel universes, but fortunately I'm in the one that's real.

    1. Woodmont12:36 PM

      11:26am And Dyer still has multiple times the audience than your blog.

      Tearing Robert down won't bring you a single new visitor. Might want to focus on that.

      Just sayin...

  5. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I wish the trolls who think Bethesda nightlife is booming would take same time to talk to a few business owners. It might change their mind.

  6. Anonymous9:21 AM

    The re-opening will soon be the re-closing. There's a reason it shut down in the first place.

  7. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Woodmont, you think I'm who? I guarantee you are wrong. I don't have a blog. New visitors enter through the lobby and take the elevator. You might want to focus on minding your own beeswax. Just sayin...

  8. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Dyer imagines that he has "thousands" of readers and that all of them are the same person who runs a news site or blog which compete against his.

    1. Woodmont5:49 PM

      Kind of like assuming every comment other than yours is Dyer, right?

  9. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Woodmont - like you assuming these comments are by the same person. To quote your idol, "B O O M"
