Thursday, November 28, 2019

Bethesda Walgreens may be the smallest drug store ever (Photos)

The window coverings have been removed at the future Walgreens store at the Bradley Shopping Center in downtown Bethesda. It is certainly not going to be a full-size Walgreens, to state the obvious. But it's pretty shocking just how tiny the store is, when arch-rival CVS right across the street has many times the floor space. There's certainly plenty of demand for a full-size Walgreens in Bethesda, but this looks more like the chain's new pharmacy-focused "small store" concept. Bring back drug stores with lunch counters and soda fountains, I say!


  1. Anonymous5:21 AM

    "Bring back drug stores with lunch counters and soda fountains, I say!"

    OK, Boomer.

    1. Woodmont, Skippy, and Roald11:47 AM

      Robert wishes for the good old days. White only lunch counters, lynching and Jim Crow. That is what he means when he says he wants to drag some of his readers kicking and screaming to the 1950s

      I don’t know why he keeps trying to deny it. If he would just come out of his white nationalist closet he might actually make some friends.

    2. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Robbie longs for the days when Macedonia Baptist Church was all-white.

  2. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Do you realize that it was your beloved McDonalds that killed off your beloved drug store soda fountains and lunch counters?

  3. Anonymous7:27 AM


  4. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Drug kiosks, AKA "pill mills" don't require a lot of square footage.

  5. Anonymous7:18 PM

    @ 4:27 PM - Gee, I wonder what kind of pills...

  6. 7:20: It never was "all-white,' Einstein.

    5:21: You can't call someone who isn't a boomer a boomer, ok boomer? At least read up on a meme before trying to use it.

    1. Anonymous4:56 AM

      What’s the matter Robert? You are seeming a little snippy this morning.

    2. Anonymous8:31 AM

      @ 4:56 AM - No listing of restaurants serving Thanksgiving dinner = no comped turkey for Robbie.

    3. At the sign of the lemon9:42 AM

      8:31. I think he was alone on Thanksgiving. Rather sad. Poor thing

  7. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Saith Dyer:

    "At least read up on a meme before trying to use it."

    Robert Dyer, Unelected Mayor of unincorporated Bethesda, and Protector of Sacred Memes.

  8. Anonymous9:30 AM

    8:31 AM Do you really want to discuss local bloggers getting "comped" food? lol.
    Plenty to discuss there.

  9. Anonymous11:45 AM

    9:42 AM Yes, no doubt counting the millions from all of the dental patents.

  10. Anonymous6:44 PM

    "Smallest drug store ever"

    Kensington Pharmacy is smaller than that.

    Friendship Pharmacy in the Chevy Chase Building (5530 Wisconsin Avenue) is half that size.
