Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Ceremony Coffee Roasters Bethesda opening update

The opening of Ceremony Coffee Roasters at 7475 Wisconsin Avenue is almost a year behind schedule. A spokesperson for the company tells me that the Bethesda location is now aiming for an early January 2020 opening. The shop will be in the Bethesda Crescent Building.


  1. Anonymous7:09 AM

    My guess is if you can't open a coffee shop in a timely fashion you have little hope of competing within a block of 2 starbucks and a dunkin donuts.

  2. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Is this within the walkshed of the Booze Allen Hamilton Fortune 500 headquarters which opened yesterday?

  3. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Were there tears coming from BTB behind the camera at the Lake Forest Sears closing video?

  4. Anonymous8:26 AM

    We are desperate for coffee shops and pizza places. There just aren't enough in Bethesda.

  5. 7:17: No, because that isn't the Booz Allen HQ. In fact, Montgomery County hasn't attracted a single new major corporate hq in over 20 years.

    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Factually inaccurate. Stick to reviewing McD's mocha lattes and leave the business discussion to the Washington Business Journal.

  6. 7:02: Factually accurate, Louis Rukeyser. If WBJ claimed this was the U.S. HQ of Booz Allen, they should be closed down. I'm quite sure they didn't, because they would have lost all credibility.

    No new major corporate hqs in MoCo in over 20 years.


  7. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Is this on the Booeymonger side of the building?
