Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Matchbox packs up outdoor seating for the year

It's cold and getting colder in Bethesda, as winter makes an early arrival in the MidAtlantic region. While excitement for the holidays is building, there are downsides, such as temperatures not suited for outdoor patio dining. Matchbox is one of the first restaurants around Bethesda Row to pack up the furniture and call it a year for al fresco dining. Interestingly, the outdoor seating doesn't go into a storeroom - it's being trucked away for off-site storage until spring.


  1. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Breaking news: it is not warm

  2. Anonymous9:13 AM

    THE HORROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I swear, Bobby. Your Pulitzer is coming.

  4. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I think they call that "de-activating the space."

  5. Anonymous3:43 PM

    High 60's this week. I just hope TJ rooftop is still open I have some serious cigar smoke to sweeten the air of downtown Bethesda with.

  6. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Serious question: what's up with the nice trees cut down on Montgomery Lane, btwn Woodmont and Wisconsin?

  7. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Robbie, did you see that the Republicans lost big in Virginia last night? Looks like your Second Crossing to Nowhere is deader than you predicted the Purple Line would be, two years ago.

  8. 9:22: Wrong - the second crossing is supported by many powerful Democrats, including Mark Warner.

  9. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Mark Warner is a US Senator, Dumbass.

  10. 5:04: No kidding, Einstein. He also happens to strongly support a new Potomac crossing. Damn, son, you just got destroyed.

  11. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Kentucky Einsteins will not replace us

  12. Anonymous9:58 AM

    2002 - MoCo Cartel seizes control of Montgomery County Council

    2019 - MoCo Cartel seizes control of both houses of Virginia legislature

    1. Anonymous12:20 PM

      1865: The MoCo cartel defeats the South and Hillary Clinton’s e-mails with Lincoln suddenly disappear

  13. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I can't imagine that anyone who lives in this region is surprised by the Virginia election results.

  14. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Not just both houses of the Virginia General Assembly, but also the Boards of Supervisors of Loudoun County and Prince William County. And the State Senate seat in Western Loudoun County.

    Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania County in 2021!
