Saturday, November 09, 2019

Montgomery Mall decorates for Christmas (Photos)

The holiday season is fully underway at Westfield Montgomery Mall in Bethesda. They've broken out the Christmas decorations, and even Santa's photo area - though Santa himself wasn't on the premises yet. Some of the decorations return again from the last few years, like the giant "JOY" letters. But this year, there are some brand new, supersize ornaments scattered around the mall.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:04 AM

    5:52 AM

    I go there frequently. That mall is anything but moribund, believe me. There are some questionable ventures coming and going continually, but the core of successful shops get a lot of traffic. I recall White Flint on week days was dead. Montgomery Mall weekday is adequate, and the weekends unbearable. Right now there is a Moge Tee there in a horrible location. It has direct competition in the food court with a super small footprint tea place that always has a line. More than one bubble tea joint near one another, that's some great planning.
