Saturday, November 23, 2019

Police respond to protest on Wilson Lane in Bethesda

Montgomery County police have responded in great numbers to a protest on Wilson Lane near Old Georgetown Road at this hour in downtown Bethesda. A demonstration that appears to be political in nature is being held near the Church in Bethesda. An officer said there is an "issue" at the church, and "it'll be cleared up soon."

One eyewitness told me it may involve a controversial political speaker, but that could not be immediately confirmed. Up to twenty police cars were on scene earlier this hour. This article will be updated if further details are forthcoming. For now, avoid driving in this area.


  1. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Richard Spenser?

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Richard Spencer makes Robert go all warm inside. He has a little fan boy crush. Kind of sad when even the white nationalists don’t want you

  2. Anonymous7:17 PM

    So...were the protesters still there when you arrived?

    Did you talk to any of them?

    Or is this article just hearsay?

  3. Anonymous7:20 PM

    And you just ‘happened’ to be there to listen to the speaker?

  4. 7:17: It's fact - police responded to a protest on Wilson Lane.

    7:20: #scooped

    1. Anonymous7:27 PM

      And were you there as a protester or to hear the speaker?

  5. What I shared with my neighbors who alerted us to the Wilson shutdown:
    Here's what I think I've pieced together after reading the following Tweet, its comments, and then some Googling;

    An Ethiopian activist from the Oromo ethnic group, Jawar Mohammed, is trying to run as PM of Ethiopia in 2020,
    & is said to have been responsible for ethnic violence and killings in Ethiopia at the end of October.


    He has been having meetings around the country, tried to meet at Catholic U today, but the university got word of who he is and apparently canceled the event. They then moved it to the Church of Bethesda on Wilson which hosts the Oromo Evangelical Church. Protesters found this latest event, but I don't know what exactly happened. Hopefully it was peaceful.

  6. Anonymous7:54 PM

    "D" does the hard work that "journalist" Robert Dyer won't do.

  7. 7:41: Thanks! That is the speaker I was told the dispute was over, however I did not want to pin it on somebody without confirming first.

  8. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Does Marsha Coleman-Adebayo have an opinion on this issue?

  9. 7:54: No, a real journalist would not implicate someone as the cause of a protest when there is nothing showing him scheduled to make an appearance at that church tonight. The most relevant information was reported, namely, what the police cars are doing there, and a traffic alert for local drivers.

    You conveniently don't mention I'm the only media outlet to report on this tonight. People reading this are laughing at you right now.

  10. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Saith Dyer: "I did not want to pin it on somebody without confirming first."

    An anonymous comment on a blog is a more reliable source than someone who was actually there?

  11. 8:00: "Anonymous comment on a blog?" I don't even know what you're talking about, Bozo Clown. You look pathetic spending your Saturday night in a dark room trolling the only journalist covering downtown Bethesda this weekend.

  12. The People Whom Robert Dyer Heard Laughing Right Now8:04 PM

    We're laughing at YOU, Dyer.


  13. Anonymous8:11 PM

    @ 7:57 PM - Marsha Marsha Marsha

  14. Aside from the sad display of somebody harassing and trolling a news site on a Saturday night, we know your m.o. from your trolling on my kidnapping scoop:

    1. Attack, disrupt, attack while other media outlets scramble to catch up on the story hours later, using political cartel official spokesmen.

    2. Then claim those late reports are superior, and try to spam link to them.

    Nice try, old sport.

    Punch yourself.

