Sunday, December 01, 2019

Bethesda construction update: 8001 Woodmont (Video+Photos)

Here's a look at the latest progress on JBG Smith's 8001 Woodmont development at 7900 Wisconsin Avenue in downtown Bethesda. These photos are taken from the Wisconsin side, and you can see the amount of glass installed here at this point. Better seen in the video is the sub-structure on the ceiling of the pedestrian cut-through, which is supposed to hold a mirrored surface that makes this one of the most stand-out projects of the post-recession era in downtown Bethesda.


  1. Not Edward R Murrow8:35 AM

    Post recession? You mean recession of 2007-2008? Or the one we are heading into now?

  2. Skyler White9:58 AM

    Hold it. How can Bethesda be post recession and moribund all at the same time? Please explain Robert. Tell us why. People say you know more about economics than any so called economist

  3. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Dyer, have you thought of running for school board? Serious question. Dixon's at-large seat is open next year as she just announced she's not going to run for re-election, and no one has filed yet. If you ran on the "no redistricting for social experiment (diversity) reasons" platform, you'd easily win as there are a lot of pissed-off MCPS parents out there.

  4. 9:58: If you weren't trolling, I'd question how you could be so clueless as to confuse the national economy's impact on real estate financing vs. a moribund local economy. Development projects nationwide were paused during the "great recession." Unlike most jurisdictions, however, Montgomery County's general economy never recovered and remained stagnant through today.

    8:35: We're not heading into one now, though some people running for president wish we were.

    2:46: I wouldn't rule it out, but I know from years past that the cartel always manages to find a candidate for each board seat to yugely support with illegal votes. Remember how there was an open seat and seemingly no candidate running last time - and then, boom, we got a another cartel entrant who ran away with it on Election Night.

    Now if these angry MCPS parents approach me with $10,000+ in campaign contributions to do at least one glossy mailer countywide, I might consider it.

  5. Anonymous7:00 AM

    If you put together a campaign, you can easily raise $10k from angry MCPS parents. The parents in Bethesda are really concerned about busing, and raising $10k would be easy -- many parents would gladly give $500 apiece for it.

    If there's one group who can override the cartel, it's angry parents. They'll do anything for their kids.

    When is the filing deadline?

  6. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Robbie, can you show proof that even one "illegal" has voted in our county in any election?

  7. 10:19: You know full well that a non-citizen voting posing as inactive voter would not leave any recorded trace when voting. There are currently more names registered in Montgomery County to vote than actual eligible voters - the state is facing a lawsuit over the failure to purge those thousands and thousands of deceased or moved-away names from the rolls.

    You may also have missed the quiet arrest of MVA employees who illegally issued over 600 driver's licenses (which allow holders to register to vote) to non-citizens just before the 2018 elections.

    If these facts don't cause you concern, you probably also believe the official narrative of the JFK assassination.

  8. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Conspiracy theories are like potato chips. You can't stop at just one.


    Who do you believe killed Kennedy?

    I heard it was 50 Italian sharpshooters.

  9. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Saith Dyer: "You know full well that a non-citizen voting posing as [an] inactive voter would not leave a recorded trace when voting."

    So you have zero proof for any of your lunatic claims. Do you have the slightest idea of how to construct a logical argument?

  10. 9:40: I didn't even mention the dozens of anomalous precinct voting results that were clearly altered after the votes were cast - unless you believe 25 people in random precincts would vote for only one of the other GOP candidates who didn't even campaign, and not vote for the other three of us...the exact same three the other 24 did? LOL.

    If they're gonna fix the numbers, at least make it look believable.

    Meanwhile, yeah, there's plenty of evidence of illegal voting and voter fraud - the media and law enforcement not investigating it, and then turning around to say, "see - there's no evidence," doesn't make the fraud go away.

  11. And then there are the precincts where only 12 or 20 people supposedly came in to vote on Election Day. LOL - You can't make this stuff up, folks.

  12. Anonymous5:20 AM

    People not voting for the retard in Mom's Basement = "OMG VOTE FRAUD!!1!"

  13. @5:20 - Dude, disagree with Dyer all you like, but can you please not use retard? It's 2019 for Christ's sake, why are you still using an antiquated slur?

  14. As I told you the last 18 times you have posted this bullshit, this has NOTHING to do with voter fraud and everything to do with outdated voter databases. There has been no evidence of voter fraud. You are a flipping idiot.

    Anyone can turn anything into a conspiracy if they're so motivated.

    For instance one could say that: Dyer is actively involved in a conspiracy to silence dissenting facts and opinions on this blog.

  15. 6:29: You've been told 18 times that you are banned from commenting on this website, but that doesn't stop you trolling.

    Based on your logic, one could say there was no Deep State conspiracy to assassinate JFK simply because the Justice Department hasn't opened a formal investigation of the Deep State's role.

    There is ample evidence of voter fraud in Montgomery County as I laid out above. Here's yet another point I didn't even mention - the results showed a voter universe that had 100,000 more voters than only four years before. Where do you get 100,000 more registered voters in only 4 years? How do you explain the dozens of precincts with severely anomalous voting results? More names registered than actual eligible voters?

    The evidence of fraud is there - what isn't there so far is the will to investigate and file charges.

  16. Anonymous7:20 AM

    So why don't you publish your evidence of "voter fraud" some place that actually has readers? Why not write a letter to the editor of the Washington Post?

  17. Anonymous11:30 AM

    If there really was voter fraud, then Elrich would not have won. The cartel would prefer one of the other pro-development candidates.
