Sunday, December 29, 2019

Bethesda construction update: Edgemont II (Video+Photos)

Construction of the Edgemont II is still in the very early stage at the corner of Woodmont Avenue and Edgemoor Lane in downtown Bethesda. You can see how the curb lane taken from the public is being used for parking and storage, not to protect pedestrians. More evidence of an impotent Montgomery County Council controlled by their developer sugar daddy puppeteers.


  1. Finally a win in the war on cars

  2. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Great photos, Dyer! Thanks for the update!

  3. DolELMont11:10 AM

    Love the clear skies on this foggy Sunday!

  4. Thanks for the information Robert. Always appreciate your insight on MoCo news and information.

    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      1:10pm Heal thyself, troll.

  5. Anonymous2:22 PM

    To be honest, I thought Andrew was saying "well, bless your heart, Robbie."

  6. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Dyer's troll hates all the positive feedback Robert receives.

  7. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Looking at your photos, it is clear that the barricaded area is being used by both contractor parking and pedestrians. So at this point, the sidewalk on the west side of Woodmont is not being blocked by construction. In fact, the former narrow sidewalk is now unused and a wider walkway, protected by a heavy concrete barricade, is now much safer from vehicles on Woodmont than before construction started. All construction activity and access is occurring along the south edge of the site, at least at this time.

    Thanks again for posting misleading and erroneous information designed to scare your readers.

  8. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I walked in the area this morning, and they have even built a wooden ramp for handicapped users to get from the sidewalk to the street level pathway. They have installed a construction trailer that overlaps a bit of the temporary path, but it looks like this is a permanent pathway, for the duration of the construction. In fact it does not even reduce traffic flow in the area as it is located in the parking and bike lane. Be advised that the striped bike lane is blocked, so bikers will need to ride in the traffic lane for this half block.
