Friday, December 13, 2019

Free ice cream at Jeni's Bethesda Row grand opening Dec. 19

Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams has been open for a few weeks at 4918 Elm Street at Bethesda Row. But the company is going to make its arrival in Bethesda official next Thursday, December 19, 2019 at 7:00 PM. 

The first 50 people in line at the grand opening will receive a free swag bag. Everyone who comes through the door that night will get free ice cream. Click here to RSVP for the grand opening.


  1. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Only Robert's most die hard troll can find a negative about free ice

  2. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Only Robert's most die-hard sheepshill thinks free ice cream is "news".

  3. Anonymous7:23 AM

    7:11 AM You'd better troll WTOP then with all of their "free food" news stories then, my friend. lol.

  4. 7:11: Only a clueless troll thinks that "news" is defined only as "articles corrupt Montgomery County elected officials ask us to post to make them sound good, and advance their radical criminal agenda," and "things that happen between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM."

  5. Anonymous7:38 AM

    The Bethesda Circulator will be very busy that day when all the local hoboes will ride it to get to the free ice cream.

  6. We gotten their emails over the past few days. Jeni's is doing a big holiday push.
    They're friendly folks. Their ice-cream and sorbet...Mmmm yum.

    Blackout Chocolate Cake

    Like they said yesterday "Going fast! Cognac with Gingerbread"
    Has anyone tried this one? I'm not a gingerbread person. Well, a person who likes gingerbread. ;)

  7. Anonymous7:41 PM

    "things that happen between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM."

    Well, guess what, Edward R. Murrow...that's when most news tends to happen.

  8. 7:41: You're simply making my point. Fortunately for my readers, unlike other news outlets, I was awake and breaking major stories like the CCT rape, Hyatt fire, and bomb scare, to name just a few over the years. As much news happens outside of bankers' hours as within them, old sport.

  9. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Wish Baskin Robbins were there. Paying almost $10.00 for 1 scoop is criminal. I give this place 1 year before they go out of business...

  10. 5:29 - Baskin Robbins only a half mile away.

  11. 7:56: LOL - Yet another alias. What are the chances that "William Powell" would just happen to use 6 of the same talking points as all of the other identities you use.

    Can "Dennis" have the light now?

    Or does "Wrol Evans" have the light?

    You're a pathetic man child.
