Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Free, Melania author Kate Bennett to appear in Glen Echo Thursday night

CNN correspondent and author Kate Bennett will read from and sign the book everyone is talking about this holiday season - Free, Melania - tomorrow night, Thursday, December 12, 2019 at 6:30  PM at the Glen Echo Town Hall at 6106 Harvard Avenue. This is her only area scheduled appearance on her book tour, so this the chance to get your signed copy for yourself or for those on your Christmas list.

To attend, RSVP to Alexis Feringa at


  1. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Hurry up and buy it while she's still First Lady!

    Not necessarily by im-peach-mint or resignation...

    Ivana - divorced at 42.

    Marla - divorced at 36.

    Melania - currently already 49.

  2. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Scooped on some really big stories, Robert decides to go with the publication of some unauthorized biography attention grabbing trash book.

  3. 8:13: You're clueless, old sport - beyond all of my scoops in the last week alone, I just broke three more this morning - Pieology closing, Heyday opening, and this blockbuster book signing for the most talked-about and written-about book of the moment.

    Damn, son, you just got destroyed.
