Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Montgomery County stagnant or getting worse in all key areas, residents say

Montgomery County's elected officials haven't improved any major area of concern or crisis, residents say in a new County-operated survey. Vast majorities countywide say there has been no progress or improvement in the moribund County economy, Montgomery County Public Schools, traffic congestion, crime and public safety, quality of life or the environment in the last two years.
86% of residents say there has been no improvement in availability of affordable housing. 76% feel there has been no improvement in crime prevention and public safety. A whopping 87% found no improvement in traffic congestion over the last two years. In fact, it's getting worse.
63% of residents say there has been no improvement in MCPS, which has declined steadily over this decade, as test scores and graduation rates plummeted and an achievement gap worsened. Yep, that's getting worse, too. But rather than improve failing schools, the corrupt MoCo cartel is trying to ready a forced busing strategy that failed nationwide decades ago, and is preemptively calling those who favor neighborhood schools "racists" and "white supremacists" - terms regularly deployed as the nuclear option when one has lost a debate on the facts.
Montgomery County's stagnant economy reached rock bottom in the region this decade, and residents' opinions squarely reflect that reality. A powerful 69% of residents say there has been no improvement in job growth. 61% report no improvement in business growth. Montgomery County ranked at the bottom in the region on both measurements this decade.
Progressive and green Montgomery County is leading the nation in environmental policy, our elected officials assure us weekly. Mmm...not so much, counter Montgomery County residents. 68% of residents say the environment hasn't improved, or has gotten worse, since 2017. 66% responded that quality of life opportunities in the county - the arts, culture, recreation and libraries - have either not improved or have gotten worse.


  1. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Do you have a link to this poll? Readers would like to see if you are representing it honestly.

  2. Anonymous7:11 AM

    traffic has worsened like it has in the entire area because of the population growth. It is much much worse in Virginia and DC. Give me the MCPS system over any other school system in the area as well. Montgomery County is still the best place by far to live in the DC metro area.

  3. Anonymous7:46 AM

    "I love driving in Northern Virginia!"

    Said absolutely no one.

  4. Anonymous8:35 AM

    "I love driving in Northern Virginia!
    Said absolutely no one."
    7:46 AM

    Well, Virginia did put the work in on some major transportation projects over the past decade- Express Lanes and the Silver Line.

  5. Anonymous8:44 AM

    The Beltway in Virginia seems better since the new lanes were added, but all their other roads are horribly congested and getting worse each day.

    I haven't had the opportunity to drive on the Silver Line yet. ;)

  6. Sir Otcher8:57 AM

    Looking forward to it!

  7. Anonymous9:06 AM

    "Aim Point Airsoft Shooting Range will close by January after opening just over three weeks ago across from Popeyes in the Montgomery Mall food court. An employee of Aim Point said that 'too many people just didn’t like it and complained.'"


    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      The air range was a pop up for the holidays. If course it will pack up after the season concludes.
      Did anyone think that was a new mainstay tenant? Come on, man. Sniffing too much glue at school again.

  8. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Guess who slept through the opening of Ourisman Jeep.

    1. Anonymous10:27 PM

      5:54pm guess who broke the story on ourisman? Not
      You want Dyer to give you a gold star for catching up, weeks later?

  9. 10:27: LOL - I broke the story on Ourisman leasing it months ago, and making it Jeep weeks ago. You look very stupid right now.

    7:11: Wrong. Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun all have great schools, now better than MoCo. The Memphis suburbs have better schools than Montgomery County.

    Traffic may be bad in key job centers of Virginia during rush hour because they have all the jobs these days. Otherwise no worse. You can actually get around faster on the new toll lanes. Can't do that here thanks to our luddite County Council.

  10. Anonymous1:54 AM

    "The Memphis suburbs have better schools than Montgomery County."


  11. Anonymous3:02 AM

    "66% responded that quality of life opportunities in the county - the arts, culture, recreation and libraries - have either not improved or have gotten worse."

    Here are the actual results of the survey, to which you didn't bother to link. (From WTOP)

    And here are the actual numbers for "Quality of life opportunities (recreation,
    libraries, arts and culture)":

    Page 9 (Page 11 of PDF)

    "Much better": 11%
    "Somewhat better": 34%
    "Stayed the same": 53%
    "Somewhat worse": 2%
    "Much worse": less than 1%

    So 45% believe that the category has improved ("much better" plus "somewhat better")

    And 96% believe that the category is at a minimum remained the same.

    Only 2% believe that the category has changed for the worse.

    You are an astonishingly dishonest person, Dyer. No wonder no one will vote for you or even buy an ad on your blog.

  12. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Summary from the WTOP article:

    "Overall, about 85% of Montgomery County residents feel positively about the quality of life in Maryland’s most populous county. Even more — 90% — say Montgomery County is a good place to live. About 86% of residents say the county is a good place to raise children.

    "Across all those measures and many others, residents’ feelings are slightly more positive than in 2007, the first year the countywide survey on “livability” was conducted."

  13. Aww. Give him a break, you know how bad he is at math. ;)

    53+2+1 = 56 stayed the same or got worse not 66

  14. Anonymous6:00 AM

    11:07 pm - actually right on almost any metric. the website greatschools also places more moco schools higher than the VA schools

    Traffic is bad in all of VA from Tysons to 66 to Springfield. it is just horrendous and has always been that way. Moco can be bad as well but nothing like Virginia. The toll lanes can cost over $20 in rush hour traffic. that is not an option. If Moco doesn't have jobs how come development is going gang busters in the area? Not to mention NIH, Marriot and all the hundreds of small revenue generating businesses that occupy downtown Bethesda

    if you don't like it here then leave. and stop lying about survey results

  15. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Lets not forget our county is filling up with people from cultures that never criticize their Government leaders publicly, knowing they would disappear. Your going to get some false positives.

  16. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Traffic is terrible.

    Having another Potomac crossing will help. All hell breaks loose if something simple like a lane closes on the Legion bridge for construction. That happened today and earlier this week.
    Everything feeding into 495 jams and overflows (i.e. Clara Barton).

    But that is just part of it. Traffic within Bethesda (and the county as a whole) jams middle of day through early evening.

    BRT and Purple Line would help particular corridors but this very local traffic is a problem. Better timed traffic signals would help.

  17. Anonymous11:29 AM

    As the quality of students in MC schools falls, so does performance. Mainstreaming of feral children makes it impossible for on-level classrooms to function.

    There can be no affordable housing when MC leadership has committed itself to making MC a magnet for illegal immigrants. They have to live SOMEWHERE, and their semi-literate, special needs children are a huge burden to overcrowded schools.

  18. Anonymous6:19 PM

    "Better timed traffic signals would help."

    How many consecutive green lights do you feel entitled to? Just asking.

  19. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Worst decision
    Crime increasing bc Montgomery village and DC residents hop,on and case wealthy Bethesda neighborhoods
    5 home invasions
    Growing up in Bethesda before metro no house alarms doors open
    Now everyone lives petrified behind security systems

    As to the above moron saying it’s racism
    Have your mom pistol whipped in her home with her husband in an oxygen tent after serving in ww2 helpless to help her by 3 blacks from Montgomery village

  20. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Montgomery County schools used to be best in nation. Highest SATs
    Now they are filled to the brim with illegals who can’t speak English and whose parents are MS13 gang members
    They drag down averages and now you have to send kids to private schools
