Friday, December 20, 2019

Wienermobile visits Westbard in Bethesda

An incredible event took place in Bethesda yesterday. The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile visited the Westwood Shopping Center in the Westbard area Thursday morning. After tooling around the upper parking lot, the Wienermobile eased to a stop in front of the Giant grocery store.

What a fitting event, the hot dog equivalent of a presidential visit, as the Montgomery County cartel is poised to demolish this classic shopping center. Now that Esskay has ceased hot dog production, Oscar Mayer is the undisputed best hot dog in America - in particular, the classic chicken and pork Oscar Mayer franks. What an honor, then, to host the famous Oscar Mayer Wienermobile right here in Montgomery County.


  1. Anonymous5:05 AM

    So you mention Esskay, a Baltimore brand, but not Briggs?


  2. 5:05: I grew up eating Briggs, but switched to Esskay once they were available in Bethesda grocery stores. Briggs was good, but Esskay was the best.

  3. Anonymous5:34 AM

    In which Robert Dyer's obsession with the "MoCo Cartel" reaches new heights (or depths?) of absurdity:

  4. 5:34: Great article - devastating for the MoCo cartel. Imagine a town in your jurisdiction is literally named "The Worst College Town in America" on your watch.

  5. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Sorry, but you are completely wrong on this one. Sabbret is by far the most highly ranked hot dog in the county in dozen’s of reviews. Nathan’s usually comes in second, then Hebrew National, followed by Trader Joe’s, then Ballpark Franks. Almost always last in any ranking, Oscar Meyer indeed has a great marketing gimmick in the wiener mobile, but by a wide margin, has a very poorly rated product. Even Costco has a much better hot dog, and a nice treat after shopping at one of their warehouses.

  6. Anonymous6:49 AM

    "Montgomery County cartel is poised to demolish this classic shopping center"

    I believe you mean Regency Centers, and this is a good thing. What's the last time new retail space opened up in Westbard? 1950?

  7. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Sorry, I meant to the Oscar Mayer.

  8. Anonymous7:00 AM

    And you consider Westbard a “classic” shopping center? I’m not quite sure how you define the idea of a classic, but a Drivit clad strip center, facing a massive surface parking lot some how doesn’t seem like a classic shopping center to me. Tens of thousands of the nearly identical commercial strip centers are littered across the country, created when downtown’s became either unsafe or inconvenient, and along with the growth of regional shopping malls, are the primary cause of the decline of America. Ubiquitous in almost every sense, offering very little sense of place or uniqueness. Just the opposite of landmark shopping districts in downtowns that I would term as “classic”.

  9. Captain MoCo7:01 AM

    Living MoCo history!

  10. "...the hot dog equivalent of a presidential visit...." Yes.

  11. Anonymous7:05 AM

    By the way, there are six weinermobiles that tour around the country, so this one isn’t even unique. Just a creative marketing ploy to increase brand awareness for an inferior product.

  12. Anonymous7:14 AM

    I can't even see Westbard's soviet-style Whole Foods staying much longer. There's literally two other stores within a couple miles. They'll probably end up moving the Westbard store to downtown Bethesda and maybe opening a new Potomac store somewhere further up River Road.

  13. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Hebrew National is the best hot dog.

  14. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I live within spitting distance of Westbard. Can't wait to see that thing torn down. Sorry I missed the Weinermobile.

  15. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Hebrew Nationals will not replace us

  16. 6:49: I've had Ball Park (pretty good) and Nathan's (good flavor but too-tough casing), and in my opinion, Oscar Mayer is superior to both.

  17. The jokes just write themselves.

  18. Anonymous10:41 AM

    5:52 AM

    That was a great catch. Germantown, only MoCo can take a town from rural farms to ghetto in so few decades.

  19. Anonymous12:00 PM

    How would WalletHub rate Westwood shopping center?

    And...who the heck is "WalletHub", anyway?

  20. 11:10AM I was right there with you until the last line. Come on now, that's not nice. If someone did spend Thanksgiving alone and if it wasn't their choice, then that's kinda sad, and we, as normal human beings should show empathy. I might even extend an invite for next Thanksgiving. If they were alone and it was their choice, then c'est la vie.

  21. Anonymous12:45 PM

    It's not so incredible really take it down a notch. I saw it on the beltway last year I believe. It's weird to see but "most incredible site ever"? No

  22. Anonymous1:26 PM

    When I went to view Robert Dyer's candy cane review, it was preceded by an ad for Bernie Sanders. LOL

    1. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Holy Smokers! Can you feel the aroma of the Bern.
      LOL. Is Dyer a secret Commie?

  23. Anonymous6:03 AM

    When some random site rates MoCo the best x,y,z then it's time to pop the champagne.

    When wallethub days worst college town, then they're attacked. They have rated Germantown well for other categories.
