Sunday, January 05, 2020

Bethesda construction update: Avocet Tower (Video+Photos)

Construction seems to have hit a slow point at the site of the future Avocet Tower development. This is where the 2nd District Montgomery County police station used to be at the corner of Wisconsin and Montgomery Avenues in downtown Bethesda. They are still in the very early stages here, deep in the excavated pit. At least they are one of the very few construction sites to provide a covered pedestrian walkway instead of closing the sidewalk along Wisconsin Avenue.


  1. Anonymous7:45 AM

    I’m not sure how you can say the construction is at a slow point. The massive excavation is nearly complete, all the foundations, elevator core walls and many lower level columns are already in place. You should understand that the below grade excavation and construction of a 23 story high office building and hotel are very large portions of the construction. This project will be above ground in much shorter duration than the Marriott and Elm/Wilson projects.

    1. Anonymous5:16 AM

      Don’t waste your time. Robert’s yuge swelled brain knows more about construction than anybody ever

  2. Anonymous9:12 PM

    7:28pm = Doug Kammerer wannabe
