Thursday, January 16, 2020

River Road bus stop tagged with graffiti

Graffiti appeared Wednesday morning on this bus shelter on River Road near Nevis Road in Bethesda. The meaning of "death insurance" is unclear, as is its possible affiliation with any of Montgomery County's gangs.


  1. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Looks like a commentary on how unsafe county/state roads are for pedestrians.

  2. Unclear to who? I’m sure officers in the gang task force know what it means. Why don’t you just reach out to MCPD and ask ?

  3. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Doesn't look like "gang graffiti". Looks more like what white youts would make. It's in the walkshed of Walt Whitman.

  4. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Globe Life campaign

  5. Anonymous8:59 AM

    @ 7:59 AM - Waltshed

  6. Death Insurance? didn't they used to open for Fugazi?

  7. Anonymous10:36 AM

    that actually looks pretty cool - if anyone here did that reply here and ill hire you

  8. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Everyone do what 11:59 suggests, do it now!

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Out for tea with Jackie O.

  9. Anonymous3:53 PM

    When I used to hear their commercials, I thought it was "Bo's Wave Radio".

  10. Anonymous4:05 PM


    Thank you democrats
    Importing terror to Bethesda

    Illegal MS13 gangs
    Wait til all the rich liberals on Bradley blvd can’t sell their homes when prices decrease like in Detroit

    Liberals destroyed best school system in USA
    And most beautiful city in world Bethesda

    1. Anonymous4:29 PM

      So leave all ready. You sound like all the liberals who hate Trumps America. They can just leave and so can you. Bunch of freaky whining sods

  11. Anonymous4:10 PM

    NoVa has far worse problems with MS13.

  12. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Robert might call them patriots

  13. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Perhaps you might not have heard that the vacant Giant in the Chevy Chase Collection is rumored to become one of the first new prototypical Amazon Grocery Stores in the nation? If this turns out to be true it would be an incredible feat for such a “moribund” county.

  14. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Lol, Amazon is opening a store in MoCo and Dyer is trying to frame is as a "moribund" downgrade from...a Giant. lol. Dumbass doesn't even allow comments because he knows he'll be ass pounded for typing such nonsense.

  15. 6:57: Amazon already opened a store at Bethesda Row and it hasn't exactly set the world on fire. These bricks and mortar Amazon ventures are half vanity project, and half fulfillment center for faster Prime delivery, much like their use of Whole Foods.

  16. Anonymous7:22 AM

    How can you possibly know how popular an unopened, brand new Amazon grocery store concept will be? It's certainly a feather in the area's cap, either way, if Amazon proceeds with selecting it as one of the very first locations in the country.

  17. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Perhaps you haven noticed, but Amazon as a company is doing rather well. The merchandise on shelves of the new Amazon Books were very depleted during the holidays, and lots of folks in line at the checkout. Of course it’s not a Barnes and Noble, but it seems to be busy enough to thrive. We al know how popular and quick it is to order and get something delivered from Amazon, but it is very nice to look at a product in person, and even buy it at a very low price and take it home immediately.

    The fact that Amazon might place one of the first Amazon Grocery stores in MoCo seems lost on you.

  18. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Northern VA got Amazon HQ2 and tens of thousands of high paying jobs.

    Montgomery County got a small Amazon store at Bethesda Row.

    Gentle reminder that the idea of pitching White Flint for HQ2 was misguided from the beginning. Really dumb not to have pitched Silver Spring or downtown Bethesda.

  19. 7:23: Amazon is doing well; its bricks-and-mortar stores, not so much. The former "Rodeo Drive" in Chevy Chase certainly could use some of Bezo's generous subsidization program a la the Washington Post. Unlimited funds - and constant feeding of COINTELPRO finds from the CIA to reporters - helps to pay the bills for sure, LOL.

    Virginia got the real Amazon prize - the HQ with the high salary jobs and halo effect. We get the retail jobs. Wa wa wa waaaaaaaaa.

  20. Anonymous7:56 AM

    "Amazon is doing well; its bricks-and-mortar stores, not so much."

    Oh, really?

  21. Anonymous8:10 AM

    7:54 AM Discovery Channel's entire headquarters was available in Silver Spring and there is available office space all around downtown Silver Spring.

    Lots of buildings going up in downtown Bethesda.

  22. Anonymous8:17 AM

    The Discovery Channel headquarters was not available at the time of the site selection process for AMZHQ2. The other vacant office space in DTSS was not comparable to that which was available in the then moribund Crystal City.

  23. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Perhaps you noticed the recent report that was prepared by JBG Smith regarding the National Landing Metro commute times. It was interesting too me that the commute using the Metro from downtown Bethesda or Silver Silver Spring (about 40 minutes)is actually is much less than from Tyson’s or Reston, and many other areas in NoVa.

    The average commute in America Is now 29 minutes, so at 40 minutes for a two seat ride on the Metro is very doable for many folks that might choose to live in MoCo and work in the National Landing. Even the fact that Amazon might open its first grocery store in MoCo, instead of their new home in NoVa tells me that they have quite a bit of faith in the health of our area.

    I still contend that working in the National Landing, but living in MoCo will be very popular, especially for couples where one spouse might work in the area. Both Bethesda and Silver Spring are very dynamic, kinetic and interesting places to live, especially if you can easily walk to the Metro from your home or apartment.

    The idea of living in Crystal City, Pentagon City, and Tyson’s, at least in the near term, offer very little appeal to me.i walked around the National Landing area last week, and found the neighborhood very bland and lifeless, even soulless. For the most part, tons of tired boring beige precast buildings that all seemed to be built in the 1970’s. Wide streets that lack any parking, with huge setbacks and very little street front retail. Yes, a great indoor mall with a direct Metro connection, but lifeless streets, and noisy low flying airplane traffic with the faint smell of jet fuel in the air. Of course the master plan calls for many more projects to improve things in the area, but it will take decades to create the charm, character and diversity that are built into downtown Bethesda and Silver Spring.

    I think many will choose to live in this area and work in the National Landing.

  24. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Next...a new Metro Line branching off the Red Line at Tenleytown, heading down Wisconsin Avenue through Georgetown and connecting to the existing Blue Line at Rosslyn, for a direct connection from Bethesda to Crystal City and National Airport.

  25. Anonymous8:55 AM

    There's no reason someone working at Amazon HQ2 would or should live in Maryland. Choosing to have to cross the river every day in a commute is insane.

  26. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Of all the stores that closed at The Collection, only Louis Vuitton has stores outside of CenterCityDC.

    Barney's Co-op went out of business, and there are no Jimmy Choo stores south of Philadelphia.

  27. Anonymous9:01 AM

    This narrative that we won by losing Amazon HQ2 is laughable. But I understand having to save face. The hole in the ground at White Flint is daily reminder of this fiasco. Hopefully we get the new White Flint that was promised...some day.

  28. Anonymous9:03 AM

    I don't see anyone here claiming that "we won by losing AMZHQ2".

  29. Anonymous9:06 AM

    9:03 AM
    I've seen some people saying that we're somehow getting all the benefits of HQ2 in Maryland because their employees will want to live here.

    I don't see why people who aren't tied to one jurisdiction or the other would want to commute so far. You have Arlington, Alexandria, etc. right there.

  30. Anonymous9:12 AM

    "I've seen some people saying that we're somehow getting all the benefits of HQ2 in Maryland because their employees will want to live here."

    Why is everything always black or white to you, with absolutely no nuance, ever? Why can't you ever respond to a comment without turning it into a straw man?

  31. Anonymous9:12 AM

    8:55 AM

    I agree that driving across the river twice a day is a bad idea. Crossing the river is very easy when you ride the Metro. Its actually quite pleasant on the Yellow Line, with some nice views of the Washington Monument. Try it sometime. 35% of the people who live in the DMV wisely do not drive to work. An even higher percentage is predicted for Amazon HQ2.

    If your spouse works at NIH, in the bio-tech field, in the construction and development field or the hospitality field at Marriott, Bethesda would be a great place to live, especially if you can walk to the Metro from your residence.

  32. Anonymous10:18 AM

    No comments on the Giant story. End of the world? Hardly. With any luck, it'll be a Teeter.

  33. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Good question. This Amazon concept will not be using the technology at their Amazon Go stores that allow Amazon Prime members to grab and go without exchanging money or even scanning products. No, this will be a traditional store with traditional check out. Choice, quality and good pricing? What's the problem? No, MoCo is not moribund and the worst Giant in their company closing for the second time is also not a death sentence for Chevy Chase Center. This will be a boon. I hope they keep their free parking on the side there. Very nice.

  34. And you aren't royalty.

  35. 10:45: There is wide consensus Montgomery County's economy is moribund, as shown by every relevant economic development statistical benchmark.

  36. Anonymous10:53 AM

    10:45 AM The clientele of that defunct Giant skewed very elderly, as Friendship Heights does. I doubt an Amazon Go store with no check outs would be very utilized.

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      That's not what Amazon would be building here. They are launching a traditional grocery store with all the features of a major chain such as Giant. The Go concept is essentially a modern convenience store.

  37. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Robert Dyer: "Amazon is doing well; its bricks-and-mortar stores, not so much."

    Any references for this claim?

  38. Skippy in Bethesda12:13 PM

    Hard to follow the remarks of the guy who copy+pastes old comments.

    I recommend just making your point and not recycling stuff. Just sayin...

  39. Anonymous1:37 PM

    1:21 PM Quite the contrary- people who love their community will want it to improve.

    Many of the problems Dyer has covered over the years are now accepted as major issues, such as economic development. Even Reimer is singing from the same hymnal now.

  40. Robert is putting the work in- attending community meetings, involved, covers the county daily etc.

  41. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Any comment asking any question about Giant will be deleted without haste.

  42. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Is the vandalism of the crosswalk sign at Veterans Park in any way related to the "Death Insurance" graffito on River Road?

  43. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Comments not being allowed on any new story. What????

    1. Anonymous5:28 AM

      On quite a few. Yes.

  44. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Ok, so this is kind of pathetic. not only did you think this newsworthy, you associate this with a GANG?? I hope you stretched before attempting that reach.

  45. Anonymous8:12 AM

    The closure of the shooting gallery at the slightly failing mall was reported many weeks ago.

  46. 8:22: I still have the emails from December 12, Boy Friday. Days before the rumor mill started churning. Why not report the closure in December? The shooting range just closed now, not back in December, Einstein.

    8:12: Nope - the range has been open long since then. It only closed this weekend, Saul.

    1. Who is Saul and why do you keep calling him Boy Friday? Do you two know each other?

    2. Einstein and Saul will not replace Dyer
      All Heil Dyer.

  47. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Nothing wrong with a shooting gallery. Great way to practice.
