Thursday, March 19, 2020

Montgomery Mall temporarily closes "majority of our shopping center operations" due to coronavirus

Westfield announced it has temporarily closed the "majority of our shopping center operations" at both Montgomery Mall in Bethesda and Wheaton Plaza "to further contribute to the fight against this pandemic," the mall operator said in a statement. This was among the latest, and largest-scale, retail closures due to the spread of the coronavirus in Montgomery County. "Essential retailers" may remain independently open at both malls, Westfield said, but did not provide a list of open businesses at either property.
However, the websites for both malls appear to indicate on the "Stores" list which businesses are open, and which are closed. For example, the dry cleaners at Montgomery Mall is listed as open, as is Dick's Sporting Goods at Wheaton Plaza. Other businesses say, "Closed," where the hours should be. But Westfield recommends you call ahead to confirm if the specific business you wish to patronize is actually open, and what their hours are, as this is subject to change at any time as the covid-19 crisis continues to rapidly develop.


  1. What about Wheaton Costco?

  2. 6:35: Should be open like Giant, Target, etc. These are considered essential, and should also remain open after Hogan's order to close all enclosed malls.

  3. Wheaton Costco was open early at 8:45, and had MoCo police handling crowd control, only letting twenty shoppers in at a time. Aisles were uncrowded, and checkout was faster than normal. All were in good spirits.

  4. Yes, I spoke with both customer service and dairy departments at Costco Wheaton this afternoon. They said that they and Target are barricaded from the rest of the Mall, so folks can continue to shop for essentials despite the Mall closure. They had regular hours and were only out of stock on obvious hoarded items, as well low in stock for pasta and rice.

    I am moved by the efforts and example of Jose Andres. This is commitment and community at its best, with heart. We don't have to weather times like this alone. My prayer continues that more of us will proactively seek ways, small and great, as we are able, to be unselfish and help as we can. We will weather this all as a community best if we can.

    Thank you, Robert Dyer, for the local coverage and insights. You would have been great to have on County Council at such a time as this. It is unfortunate that more people have not realized your strengths and skills in strategizing and implementation. Keep fighting the Good Fight, and Godspeed, wherever you traverse.
