Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Target now rationing coronavirus items

Target has begun rationing items high in demand by customers during the coronavirus outbreak. Products like disinfecting wipes, paper goods and bottled water have been flying off shelves nationwide since Americans began coming down with the covid-19 virus. The announcement was buried within a longer statement regarding new cleaning procedures for stores, and other strategies the big box retailer is implementing to reduce the spread of the virus.

Other retailers have also begun rationing supplies they say consumers are hoarding, including Wegmans and Kroger. But Target's biggest rival, Walmart, has yet to announce it will ration goods.

Target CEO Brian Cornell wrote that stores are adding paid hours to allow employees to clean surfaces and equipment like check-outs more frequently. Touchscreens and check-out surfaces will be cleaned every 30 minutes, Cornell promised. They have temporarily suspended food sampling in stores, and are staffing up to meet greater demand for curbside pick-up. Target is also reducing all non-essential corporate and employee travel.


  1. Dozer5:25 AM

    You need to stop getting so upset. Trump said this so called virus (hoax started by the Chinese and Democrats) will be gone by April. Also he is going to cut taxes. So all is beautiful

  2. Just a friendly reminder to all that the absolute absolute best way to sanitize your hands is by using regular soap and water. Hand sanitizer is fine, but soap and water is far more effective.

  3. Maloney Concrete7:20 AM

    Still can't find hand sanitizer or wipes on local grocery shelves
