Monday, April 20, 2020

Another theft from vehicle reported in East Bethesda

Another theft from a car has been reported in East Bethesda. After items were taken from vehicles in residential driveways along Rosedale Avenue last week, another theft from April 15 was reported to police. This victim was in the 4400 block of West Virginia Avenue. Once again the targeted vehicle was in the driveway of a home, and was entered on one of the two nights the thief struck on Rosedale.


  1. Anonymous6:03 AM

    What is this "East Bethesda" designation? I know the area has pretensions of grandeur, that it's 'Manhattan Near the Potomac', but let's not go overboard, eh?

  2. 6:03: It's a long-standing designation. There is an East Bethesda Citizens Association.

  3. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I live in East Bethesda (and belong to the EBCA). Dyer is right.
    As for pretensions of grandeur, we are a modest family neighborhood with no pretensions to anything.
    Let’s not go down the rabbit hole of sniping at Dyer’s posts with snarky trivialities. Those days are behind us. If you don’t like his blog, don’t read it.
