Thursday, April 09, 2020

Crystal Energy psychic opening in downtown Bethesda

Crystal Energy, a psychic services business, is opening a new location at 7030 Wisconsin Avenue in downtown Bethesda. This was home to EmbroidMe, which rebranded as Fully Promoted Bethesda and moved to Middleton Lane. Crystal Energy offers tarot card reading (including over the phone readings), palm readings, regression readings, psychic readings, chakra balancing and healing services.


  1. I'm no psychic, but I see failure in their future.

  2. One would think a psychic would have known a head of time there was going to be a pandemic which would close all nonessential businesses. Complete morons. Does Bethesda have enough liberal nut jobs to make this play profitable?

  3. That'll do very well. I can see it.

  4. "Does Bethesda have enough liberal nut jobs to make this play profitable?"

    Liberal icons Ron and Nancy Reagan consulted psychics.
