Tuesday, May 05, 2020

4702 West Virginia Ave. condo building sketch plan amendment proposed

A sketch plan amendment has been proposed for a condo project seeking approval at 4702 West Virginia Avenue on the edge of downtown Bethesda. Developer Broad Branch is requesting a density increase from 20,000 square feet to 21,500 square feet, including an increase of BOZ density from 14,750 square feet to 16,250 square feet. BOZ density stands for Bethesda Overlay Zone, which is the scheme by which developers can exceed zoning limits in exchange for amenities, payments or by otherwise meeting the criteria laid out in the 2017 Bethesda Downtown sector plan.

Despite the density increase, the building would still contain only 19 units. That is likely because the project was converted from rental apartments to condos at the last minute. Condos need greater square footage to be competitive in the Bethesda market than rental units do.

The amendment and the project's site plan will be reviewed by the Montgomery County Planning Board at its May 14, 2020 virtual meeting. Planning staff is recommending approval of both items.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:15 PM

    I noticed a sign was posted today in front of the Washington Properties office building at East and Hampden Lanes announcing a new 500,000 sq ft development called East Hampden. East Hampden will include a mixture of office, residential and retail. 17.6 % will be devoted to MPDUs.
