Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Bethesda construction update: Ourisman Jeep Bethesda dealership (Photos)

Ourisman Jeep Bethesda continues its conversion of the old CVS Pharmacy space at 6700 Wisconsin Avenue, right by its current temporary location. The dealership, like others during the coronavirus pandemic, is currently focused on contactless sales and service, including home-delivered test drive vehicles.


  1. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I wish them luck but I really don't get the location choice. The only way to make the car buying process more annoying is to make customers look for parking to do it.

  2. Anonymous7:14 AM

    @11:05 AM: Agreed.
    What is the future for Bethesda’s many dealerships? Online buying a la Tesla is growing. Electric cars will kill their high-margin repairs and maintenance.
    No-one loves “stealerships”. They have always been necessary evils - and soon they won’t be necessary. Those swanky buildings going up downtown are already stranded assets.

  3. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Interesting that all the car dealerships are clustering at the southwest corner of downtown Bethesda. They are very likely just placeholders until the Purple Line Arlington/Bradley station opens in about a decade.

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      I think you are exactly right. That end of bethesda will be prime real estate after the southern metro opening. But no one wants to pay prime real estate prices now (even before covid). We will see that area evolve significantly after metro opens red and purple!

    2. Maloney Concrete3:58 PM

      2:52pm Will there be as much appetite for Metro? Ridership was already declining pre pandemic.

      If folks don't have to commute will close in locations be as valuable?

      Bethesda has great restaurants but sitting at an isolated table being served by someone dressed for surgery doesn't sound that appetizing.

    3. Anonymous5:05 PM

      I suspect that by the time metro opens, the pandemic will be over.
