Wednesday, May 20, 2020

More Montgomery County ballots being mailed to deceased, non-residents

A few weeks after a man described how his deceased mother was shown to have voted in Montgomery County elections for a decade after her death, another case of an illegal ballot being issued has come to light. Attorney Robin Ficker, a Republican candidate for Maryland governor, reports that his son was mailed a ballot to his old Montgomery County address. Problem: Ficker's son hasn't lived in Montgomery County for 12 years. And as a "live" ballot, it could be illegally filled out and mailed back by someone else.

"Election fraud?" Ficker asked in a Facebook post showing the improperly-mailed ballot. "How many of these ballots are being mailed by someone else?" Ficker isn't the only one asking questions. A watchdog group has successfully sued to receive the voter registration information of all Montgomery County voters, after it found there are more names registered to vote than there are eligible voters in the county.

In 2018, anomalous voting results were seen at dozens of precincts across Montgomery County in the County Council At-Large race, if not others. The voter universe in that election also increased by about 100,000 voters in only four years since 2014. Local media outlets have not challenged County officials about either issue so far.

Leaving ineligible names on the voter rolls is a key source of voter fraud. Anyone who has the names of deceased or non-resident voters can walk into the appropriate polling place, claim to be that person and provide the few details asked for by judges, and cast a ballot illegally using one of those many names. In this year's by-mail elections, these illegal ballots will be mailed out and ripe for the picking by any organized voter fraud operation, further underlining the urgency in cleaning up Montgomery County's dirty voter rolls.


  1. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Remember the joke still told in Texas about the JFK/LBJ election: On the day after the election, Little Johnny was sad in class and the teacher asked why. “My Dad passed away last year, but he came back yesterday to vote for LBJ. But he didn’t come to see me!”

  2. Thomas Wilks9:14 AM

    I can't believe his son never told the county that he doesn't live here anymore!

  3. Woodmont10:14 AM

    Montgomery County county is mailing ballots to dead people, the county still hasn't given measurable benchmarks for re-opening, a MCPS gym teacher is hawking booze from home ('cause beer does a body good) and we're starting to see restaurants close.

    And it's just mid-day.

  4. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I have lived in a townhouse in Bethesda for 10 years and I did not receive a ballot to vote. The ballot I received was addressed to the previous owner who moved to South Carolina more than 10 years ago.

  5. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Did Ficker's son surrender his MD license when he moved out of state? Because the address of the MD license is what determines where he votes....Has Ficker's son been coming back into MD to vote for his father in 2018?

  6. Anonymous7:42 AM

    5:04 AM SPOT ON! Ficker's son is acting like an Eric Trump, bitching about the system and violating it at the same time. What a F ing hypocrite.

  7. Anonymous7:44 AM

    2:28 PM Why would you receive a ballot to vote if you didn't request an absentee ballot? This year material for absentee balloting is being mailed for the first time, try checking your mailbox.
