Monday, July 06, 2020

Bethesda construction update: 8001 Woodmont (Photos)

JBG Smith's 8001 Woodmont mixed-use development is gleaming in the sunlight as it approaches completion. The mirrored ceiling of the pedestrian pass-through underneath the cantilevered building is also near-finished. 8001 Woodmont actually stands at 7900 Wisconsin Avenue, but has been rebranded to face the Woodmont side of the property. The project is anchored by Trader Joe's, features an Orangetheory Fitness gym, and is scheduled for a Q3 2020 delivery.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:17 AM

    I wonder if the gym plans are affected by the pandemic. Would be nice to see a more accessible retailer in that space instead.

    Can’t wait for the Trader Joe’s. Do you know any of the other retail?

    Didn’t they apply for a modification to allow outdoor seating? Any insight on a possible restaurant, Robert?
