Monday, July 13, 2020

Chevy Chase Lake construction update (Video+Photos)

Between the redevelopment of its namesake shopping center and the preparations for the Purple Line, Chevy Chase Lake is one of the busiest construction hubs in Montgomery County right now. Multiple residential buildings are rising from the ground at once. And a Purple Line bridge over Connecticut Avenue is taking shape on both sides of the busy state highway - even as the project's contractors are threatening to walk away on August 23, if taxpayers don't pick up cost overruns for the light rail line.


  1. Anonymous5:32 PM

    County needs to aggressively upzone all Purple Line stations to maximize the transit system's value and encourage redevelopment. I hate that the council seems so concerned with displacement in East County that they're hindering growth. It's bullsht that only downtown Silver Spring and points west are allowed to have nice redevelopment projects and amenities.

  2. @anonymous 5:32 PM, not sure I follow you. The only Purple Line stations east of DTSS that are in MoCo are Dale Drive (there I think the sticking point is the neighborhood association), Wayne Avenue (couldn’t possibly get denser), Long Branch (new sector plan allows for quite high density) and University & Piney Branch (also part of the Long Branch sector plan). So of the four stations, only Dale Drive isn’t currently especially dense and might be difficult to upzone because the neighbors are exceptionally well-organized against this kind of thing.
