Thursday, July 02, 2020

Coronavirus souvenir t-shirts at Flanagan's Harp & Fiddle in Bethesda

You survived the coronavirus (so far), and all you got was this wacky t-shirt. Now you can show your grandkids something more than your cloth bank robber mask when you tell them how you lived through the great Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 (if you do). Far Cough t-shirts are now available at Flanagan's Harp & Fiddle at 4844 Cordell Avenue in downtown Bethesda. For dog lovers, they have Fur Cough apparel, as well.


  1. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Easy to stay in business when you don’t pay rent

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Spoken like a true Bethesda slum lord.
