Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Montgomery County criticized for releasing man who allegedly sexually abused child

A man arrested for allegedly sexually abusing a child on June 18 was released from jail by the Montgomery County Department of Corrections on June 23. In the meantime, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) officers had lodged a detainer request for Rene Atilio Ramos-Hernandez, 56.

ICE officials complain that Montgomery County did not honor the detainer request. They say the County called them at moment they were releasing Ramos-Hernandez, and refused to hold him for the time it would take ERO officers to travel to the jail.

“Montgomery County continues the practice of not honoring lawful ICE detainers and release potential public safety threats back into the community,” acting ICE Baltimore Field Office Director Francisco Madrigal said in a statement. “When they refuse to give adequate notification of an impending release to allow a safe transfer of custody, it shows their actions are insincere. ICE believes the best way to protect public safety is for law enforcement to work together.”

Officials in Montgomery County and other jurisdictions that refuse to comply with ICE requests have said detainers are not arrest warrants. They argue that the County could be sued for illegally holding a prisoner after his or her release. ICE reports that Ramos-Hernandez is in the country illegally, and remains at large.


  1. Anonymous3:32 PM

    ICE really makes themselves sound like a lazy department. MCPD giving a courtesy call about release timing, along with all information regarding contacts, home address, etc. seems like it should be enough for them to, you know, do their job.

  2. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Elrich clearly doesn't care about the welfare of the community. It's disgraceful. Given that ICE knows this, why is ICE coming all the way from Baltimore to do pickups? ICE should put a satellite office in Montgomery County, MD staffed with 1-2 officers working remotely to do local pickups from the jails here.

    Robert: Are you able to put this question directly to ICE for comment?

  3. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Its funny how every illegal immigrant has a law firm willing to sue anyone who does anything to infringe on his "right" to be in this country. By the way, if the USA is so "systemically racist" why is it that 95% of "black and brown" people worldwide want to come here?

  4. Yes ICE should have satellite office in Mo Co near jail to do ICE pickups.
