Sunday, July 12, 2020

Speed limit vandal strikes again in Bethesda

A speed limit sign has again been vandalized in the River Road corridor of Bethesda. This time, the sign was on Goldsboro Road. The sign has been altered to display a speed limit of 80 MPH.

Back in May, the same tactic was used to change a 35 MPH sign on River Road to read 85 MPH. That sign was eventually restored to 35. Both actions took place after the State Highway Administration lowered the speed limit on River Road from 45 MPH to 35, without following the required public process, and after refusing to do so on traffic engineering grounds for several decades.

River Road is engineered for speed limits up to 55 MPH, making an artificially-low speed limit a hazard rather than a safety advantage. A secret plan to redevelop multiple large properties between Ridgefield Road and the Capital Beltway is suspected to be behind the speed limit change, which only was allowed after real estate developer Larry Hogan became governor. The plan also includes an extension of the Purple Line to Westbard and Sumner, to facilitate urbanization of those areas.


  1. Anonymous5:03 AM

    The reality is that almost no one drives 35mph on that stretch of River Road. At least as many drive 80mph as drive 35mph.

  2. Anonymous1:22 PM

    No mention of the vandalism to the sign for Ogden Road? It was changed to "Fagden".

  3. Anonymous3:05 PM

    If they changed the speed limit sign on Little Falls Parkway, nobody would notice. Seems like everyone drives 85 on that street.
