Sunday, August 02, 2020

Private school parents mobilize to fight Montgomery County closure order

Holy Redeemer School in Kensington
Montgomery County parents of children in private schools have moved quickly this weekend to counter a Friday county government order preventing those schools from opening through October 1. As of this morning, I am aware of two legal challenges to County Health Officer Travis Gayles' order being prepared. At least one Facebook group was started, and quickly grew to over 2000 members. And an online petition has begun gathering signatures.

In addition to challenging the legal authority of the County to shutter private schools, some parents have also questioned the blanket nature of the order, rather than having the County review the specific plans of each school by set standards. For example, a member of the Holy Redeemer School advisory board noted that the school's classrooms all have exterior doors, and that the school has no buses or cafeteria, and argued that such circumstances would allow it to operate with a greater degree of safety. 

Advocates of keeping instruction online-only for now counter that it is the enclosed classroom environment that will put students, teachers and the at-risk populations they interact with outside of school in danger of contracting Covid-19. Some private school teachers had lobbied for a closure in recent weeks, saying they want the same protection that Montgomery County Public School employees are getting with the closure of public schools for the fall semester.


  1. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Private school parent here. They released the order at 7:58pm on a Friday. Seems sneaky to me. My guess is the teacher's union is in cahoots with Elrich (being a major campaign donor). A lot of parents were leaving MCPS for private, and MCPS is funded per enrolled student. They'd have to lay off/furlough teachers if enrollment is down.

    However, the health officer does have broad authority. He shut down a restaurant in Silver Spring for not following procedures. While I think the decision is political, I don't think a lawsuit will win.

    The solution for my family -- temporarily leave MoCo and enrolled our kids in private school elsewhere, where it will be open. See you in a year.

  2. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Right on!

    Don’t let the leftist teachers win!
    They fired all the old people at Stone Ridge Country Day and hired young snowflakes who have organized to fight opening. I am a parent who will NOT pay $120,000 for 2 girls to sit home without sports and do visual classroom bc some lazy ass leftist teachers don’t want to put on clothes and get their arses to Rockville pike!

  3. Anonymous6:56 PM

    @11:24 AM You tell 'em parent of the 21st century. You and your right wing nutjob mentality, and your Trump U degree. Please feel free to depart this county at any time. WATCH THE DOORKNOB!

  4. Anonymous8:44 PM

    If private school staff, parents and students want to go back to classrooms and are taking all CDC approved procedures (masks, distancing, cleaning), why are elected officials stopping them? What business is it to anyone else who is not part of the private school community?

    If bars & restaurants are still open with inside dining why not schools? Plenty of local restaurants/bars are clearly not following rules on distancing outside, so I imagine we're seeing more virus spread from these places.

  5. Who politicized the virus?

  6. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Spoke to my wife today and children. Like the poster above, we are leaving Montgomery County. I grew up in Bethesda and I loved our safe community. However crime is increasing. my neighbor was burglarized and our car was stolen in front of our house. I cannot tell you the last time I saw a Montgomery County police cruiser go by our streets.
    I don't even see police cars in the mall parking lots or at any shopping centers.
    I am terrified of MS-13 encroaching nearer each day. I went to Walt Whitmas equal to Landon in its heyday and my wife went to St. Jane DeChantal. Public school is not an option. Now the public schools in Bethesda are filled with children of illegals. Having to teach 17 years old ( in 8th grade) who cannot speak English has lowered the once stellar public school ratings and SAT/ACT scores.
    The taxes are ridiculous. Montgomery Mall where I spent carefree days in the 80s with friends is now a place I don't want my wife or children visiting past 2pm. Children must be supervised.
    I read the comments about the private schools and I agree. My children go to parochial schools but I hear the stories about the teachers at Holton Arms, Stone Ridge, Landon, etc. teachers from friends and business partners and I am disgusted.

    My wife says " these private schools need to hire back some NUNs" and nun of this nunsense would be happening!
    Adios Bethesda

  7. Anonymous5:31 PM

    To 656 LOL
    Notice how dimwit democrats always want to shut down free speech. The little Nazi brown shirts of the Antifa socialist Democratic Party with their demented presidential candidate who thinks blacks are not diverse enough.
    As a black man I am highly offended by the rich white liberals of Montgomery county supporting a racist candidate.

  8. Anonymous5:32 PM

    451 the democrats politicized the virus
