Monday, September 28, 2020

Cars stolen in Bradley Boulevard corridor of Bethesda again

Bradley Boulevard area residents continue to feel the burn of a very active car thief or thieves. A vehicle was taken from the driveway of a home in the 8700 block of Fallen Oak Drive in the Hillmead area between Friday night and Saturday morning. Hillmead and Bradmoor residents have been repeatedly victimized by car thieves over the summer.

Sometime between Saturday night and Sunday morning, a vehicle parked in the driveway of a home in the 5800 block of Lenox Road was stolen. This is in the Kenwood Park area off of Bradley Boulevard. There has been a string of auto thefts in Bethesda this summer, with the Bradley Boulevard and Massachusetts Avenue corridors being two hot spots in particular.

In addition, auto parts were reported stolen from a vehicle parked in a residential parking lot in the 5300 block of Westbard Avenue on Saturday. Lock those car doors!


  1. Anonymous7:57 AM

    And can you please report on what the police are doing about it? Increased patrol? Bait cars? What?

  2. Anonymous7:33 AM

    A friend of mine lives in the next neighborhood over from Hillmead and has Ring video of these maggots running up his driveway and checking to see if his Cadillac Escalade doors were unlocked. Nothing taken or stolen and they left in a vehicle. The video isn't worth sending in because nothing distinguishing is visible. But likely, these are the same morons doing this in Hillmead and surrounding.
