Saturday, September 19, 2020

First signage installed at The Wilson office tower in Bethesda (Photos)

The first signage at Carr Properties' 7272 Wisconsin Avenue project in Bethesda was installed Friday. It is on the glass directly above the front lobby entrance of The Wilson office tower, displaying the name and street address of the building. Expect to eventually see a prominent logo for Fox 5, which is relocating its station to this building in about nine months, according to Fox 5 General Manager Patrick Paolini, Jr.


  1. Anonymous12:38 AM

    What that monstrosity is doing,prominently is blocking out the Sun from reaching Elm St Park...

  2. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Since the Elm and Wilson are due west from Elm Street Park, the only time that they would cast a shadow on the park would be about an hour before sunset, and only in the middle of summer. They are also one block from the park, so a 295’ tall buildings shadow would not extend more that about a block east, and only in the middle of summer and 7:00 PM.

    Perhaps you might not like the design, but their height and massing have no solar impact on the park.

    Of course the new urban plaza at Elm and Wisconsin, being constructed as part of the project, will indeed be in full shade after about 11:00 AM.
