Saturday, October 24, 2020

Lord & Taylor White Flint store closing sale update

The Dark Side of White Flint, Part 45

Welcome to The Dark Side of White Flint, an ongoing series about the not-so-wonnerful, wonnerful, wonnerful side of urbanizing the suburbs of Montgomery County.

The last part of White Flint Mall to remain standing, the Lord & Taylor department store, continues to wind down toward its eventual closing. Rugs and furs are featured sales promotions now, as shoppers hunt for bargains at the once-grand shopping destination, with prices now at 40-70% off storewide. 

Ten years after the passage of the White Flint sector plan, with the exception of Pike & Rose, the area looks exactly as it did then. Key infrastructure projects like the Montrose Parkway East, MARC station, and new Metro entrance remain unbuilt. County planners recently raised the white flag, acknowledging in an I-270 transit study scope-of-work that Tysons is the major employment destination for commuters in the morning, not White Flint as the Planning Board and County Council had promised, 

“O that a man might know

The end of this day's business ere it come!

But it sufficeth that the day will end

And then the end is known.”

Welcome to the dark side.


  1. Anonymous1:28 PM

    This is what total incompetence looks like. What squandered potential. Nothing's even on the books for improvements from what I can tell.

    Betrayed by the MoCo Cartel indeed.

  2. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Given that Lord & Taylor only stayed open for 7 of the remaining 29 years of their contract with White Flint Mall (1977-2042; lawsuit filed in 2013), they need to return $10 million of the $13 million they were awarded, back to the Lerners.

  3. Anonymous4:47 AM

    That L&T blocked a flagship Wegmans and now we have a no-man's-land instead. Bye Felicia. Good riddance.

  4. Anonymous4:45 PM

    So how long can we expect for this property to sit idle and have weeds grow?

  5. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Great, less traffic, make a park or something, too many people here already
